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When Zarkon told the family of Elara's condition, Allegra was the one hit the hardest. She was eight years old and understood clearly. She loved her mom with her whole heart.

Losing her would leave poor Allegra destroyed. The next day Allegra had been sitting in the medbay, next to her mother's unconscious body waiting on a miracle so that she'd just open her eyes.

"Come on mom... Open your eyes. I need you." She whispered, holding her mother's hand.

She was beginning to lose hope as she nearly started to cry when she put her head down on the medical bed.

Out of the blue, her hope wasn't in vain.

"I thought I told you that princesses don't cry."

Allegra's head shot up to see her mother wide awake and smiling at her.

"Mom!" She squealed and carefully hugged her mother.

"Aww I missed you too." Elara cooed and nuzzled her oldest child of seven.

"I thought you would never wake up. I was so scared." Allegra sniffled.

"Allegra... There's not a single place in this universe you can go where I wouldn't be with you. Same goes for your father along with your brother and sisters. Especially your father, you know how he is kind of an air head at times." Elara chuckled, making her daughter laugh.

Allegra went to go Zarkon and when he heard Elara was awake, he nearly broke every bone in his body to get to her. When he saw his wife awake and well, he threw his arms around her in a hug and smooched her.

"Uh dad... She just popped three babies out so give her a break, no need for any more." Allegra said from the doors.

"Child-!" He barked and she scurried off.

"Zarkon I love you so much but... The babies. I haven't seen them or held them... Are they ok? What happened to me? I don't remember." She asked worriedly.

"You went into a coma after your C-section. It was too intense for you to handle. The kits are fine,  each in a NICU waiting to meet their mother." Zarkon said in a calm tone so she wouldn't work herself up.

"When can I see them?" She asked anxiously.

"Now actually." Ulaz said suddenly.

Three nurses cane in with each NICU and left to attend to other things. Elara's attention was now fully on her tiny one day old triplet daughters.

"They're so small." She said with a smile.

"You can hold them if you'd like, they have yet to imprint on you, they need skin to skin." Ulaz said.

"Of course I want to hold them." Elara said eagerly.

Ulaz nodded and proceeded to carefully take the first little kit from her NICU. She squirmed around and fussed quietly as she was laid on her mommy's chest.

This little one has her mother's smooth fur, her fur color was a mix of her parents colors, and has nice purple hair.

After a few moments, the kit settled down and cuddled up against Elara and purred as her baby nuzzled herself against her mother's warm fur. The other two girls joined the skin to skin, all three laid against Elara's chest, fast asleep.

"What do we name them?" Zarkon asked in a whisper.

"Well before I went into labor, Allegra mentioned the name Helthena, both our mother's names put together. I think it fits the first of the three." Elara explained.

"Helthena... I like it." Zarkon said, pecking her forehead, sitting in a chair beside her.

The middle child was named Farah. All three girls were perfect blends of their parents. The runt of the litter of three was named Delilah.

Zarkon was overjoyed to see his wife awake and bonded with their newborns. She looked gorgeous to him as a mom. By that, he found her to be the most beautiful woman in the universe when she has the natural glow messy mom bun.

He had a little surprise for her soon too. Hopefully she feels better so he could surprise her with something adorable.

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