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About a week after Evangeline was born, Zarkon and Elara retired leaving Koltor and Vetza in control of the throne. They were the new emperor and empress, and they already had their little princess.

For Zarkon and Elara, retirement was great. They could finally relax after working for so many years.

Zarkon enjoyed spending every moment of everyday life with his wife. He loved her just as much as the day he married her. She loved him just as much. So much that she has noticed some changes in her husband.

He seemed a bit thinner and more tired than usual. It worried her. Her suspicion was rising with each passing day.

At the moment, it was nearly night time, the two were in bed together. Elara saw that his skin was more dull.

"Zarkon, have you been feeling alright lately? You seem sick." She asked curiously.

"Nonsense. I'm fine. We're just getting older, angel. Nothing to worry about." He said, brushing it off.

"But Zarkon... You're so tired all the time and you look exhausted physically. Your skin is more dull than ever. What are you not telling me?" She questioned.

"Angel please... There's nothing wrong I promise. After 20 years of ruling Daibazaal, all the missed hours of rest are taking a toll on me." He said.


"No buts! I'm perfectly fine. Don't worry. I'm just getting old." He said, holding her close.

"Well if you say so. But if you ever feel sick you have to tell me. It's my job as your wife to care. Don't hide from me ever. Promise?" She asked.

"I promise." He said, pecking her forehead.

She nestled her face into his neck and exhaled deeply, slowly falling asleep.

Zarkon knew he had to tell her one day but he didn't know how to tell her without her freaking out.

All he could do now was hold her close knowing he had limited time with his wife of so many years. It broke his heart to imagine her pain whenever his time came.

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