(Aragorn x Reader) Tortured

Start from the beginning

"Don't forget the Ranger." The other one added, looking up from his sharpened blade before raising it and letting the steel glint in the moonlight as he admired the sharpness. "Trained in the sword and battle of many creatures that one is. I know a few goblins who could do with their own personal killer."

Your captor hummed in satisfaction.

You clenched your jaw, feeling your breathing quicken but you could only release so much under the grip of the orc's hand on your throat. It was restricting your breathing and you knew soon you would start to feel your head spin.

I can't fight them all off.

You couldn't, not alone. These seemed to be the leaders but you had glimpsed at least 30 when you were dragged through the caves.

You wouldn't give them what they wanted either. You needed to protect the others, to protect Aragorn.

"So then," the orc began, tilting his head to search you, "what will it be?"

"I think you know your answer."


You felt every muscle stiffen as you took in a shaky breath. You weren't sure how much of your body you could actually move as you lay on the cold cavern floor, a stream of red flowing across the ground where your head rested sideways.

It had been hours of endless torture. You didn't have to look to know that a good amount of your right calf had been torn and now lay open to infection. You could feel the stinging and the throbbing that followed each wave of pain.

But to your surprise, it had not been the agony that had awoken you. You had sworn it was a dream but now that your eyes were open and your ears adjusted to the real world, you could not deny the clanging of swords and the squeals of dying orcs.

You tried to shake away the haze that surrounded your vision. It wouldn't budge.

If you stayed here much longer, you would surely bleed out. And you doubted it would be long before the orcs came back for another round.

Sighing, you opted for moving your right arm, your left was suppressed under the weight of your head against the ground. With all your might, you managed to clench a stone in your fist. You didn't know what was coming, what was more vicious than these orcs, but you weren't going out without a fight. You'd managed to withstand most of the torture. You could last a little longer.

Something shifted in your vision but you weren't quick enough to move your head to see. A voice rang.

"She's here!"


But when you looked up, the elf moved aside yet his sad gaze lingered on you, a familiar figure rushed into the opening of the cave, red crimson dripping from his blade.

"Aragorn." You breathed although it ached to talk.

The agony that struck his face crushed your heart. He did not hesitate to rush forward. You saw Legolas and a smaller figure, you guessed was Gimli, turn to attack a few stray orcs.

"(Y/n)." Aragorn breathed, his eyes scanning your wounded body and welling to the brim. His hands hovered as if he wanted to touch you and comfort you, to let you know he was here, yet his mouth remained agape as he feared any movement would only hurt you more. "(Y/n). I am so sorry." His hands cupped your face instantly and you gave him a weary smile before letting a tear fall.

"I told them nothing." You shook.

His face only crippled further. "You should not have had to withstand such horror to protect us."

"Of course I should." You said sternly. "I love you too much, Aragorn. Legolas and Gimli are alright too." You gave a weak smile.

Normally he would have laughed, but instead he just searched your eyes and kissed your forehead. "We will get you healed, (Y/n)."

Legolas and Gimli walked back in, their faces creased with sorrow at the sight of you.

A sudden pain shot through your leg and you winced, stifling a cry. Aragorn held you quickly as you felt the sweat dripping from your face.

"Quickly, we must get her healed." Aragorn said, his voice wavering.

Legolas came over to help lift you. Gimli raised his axe to ward off any predators.

"We can get her to the forest," Legolas began, "I can use the herbs and plants to help heal her quicker."

Aragorn's hand wrapped around your waist gently. You managed to stand up but only enough to last a second before you felt your leg start to go numb.

"I can't walk." You winced.

Before you could say anything else, Aragorn lifted you into his arms. The last thing you saw was his gorgeous glistening eyes gazing upon you, lulling you to sleep.

Your body had not done fighting yet. But for now, it could do with some rest.

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