(Legolas x Reader) Gandalf's Daughter: Beautiful Elf

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You are Gandalf's daughter, and you share much in common with a beautiful elf.


You stood, trying your hardest to block out the endless tide of music in the air and chatter of guests. You had managed to keep smiling as other guests at Mirkwood's gathering introduced them selves to you, the esteemed daughter of the great Wizard, but you were struggling to resist the pull of boredom that the endless encounters made you feel.

You weren't ungrateful as such, in fact you enjoyed hearing the stories that various elves told you of the greatness of your Father. It's just, the formalities of such an event were not your thing.

Just keep smiling. You reminded yourself.

"Are you quite alright my dear?" The sudden voice in your head startled you until you found comfort in Galadriel's presence, making you smile.

"I am." You said lightly, grateful for the concern. "I am just not use to...all of this."

"That is understandable. It can be rather tiring trying to maintain a persona when you would much rather be in you own element."

Gosh you loved Galadriel. She always seemed to understand you and would never judge you. It reminded you to continue loving what you do. Simply existing wasn't enough and these formalities reminded you that they were suppose to be: smile and smile and talk and be polite.

I want to run. I want to be so very free.

"You always seem to know." You smile. "Only another month of this. I wish Father didn't have such a duty to attend to with the King."

You finally found the elegant elf across the room, sat by Thranduil who was engaged with a Rivendell diplomat. She gazed at you lovingly, a very subtle, but not out of place, smile graced her lips.

"He may be here to help with Middle Earth discussions but you are also a guest here, on a recess of sorts. Enjoy your time. The feasts will only be every so often and when they are not held, you may have time to explore and find something more comforting to put your mind to."

"I appreciate your wisdom, Galadriel. Thank you." You nodded to one another and then turned back to your surrounding conversations.

The night continued, dragging on. You bumped into your Father only once, and you light heartedly rolled your eyes at the amusement in his eyes.

"Oh how glad I am that you find my suffering amusing." You smirked at the Wizard.

He raised his arms to hold your shoulders lovingly.

"My darling (y/n). You will have to get use to this someday. Don't worry, we can keep to ourselves for most of our lives but every now and then we must remember to tend to our argumentative neighbours and make sure they don't cause too much distruction."

You laughed lightly. "I know that," you smiled, but then a soft frown tugged at your lips, "I just certainly do not think I belong here."

Gandalf sighed. "You will find where you belong one day, (y/n). I promise you that."

Half way through the evening, a sudden stir of loud voices rose from the end of the ballroom. Two elven envoys were rowing. You spotted your Father across the room and both of you rolled your eyes at one another.

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