(Bilbo x Reader) Injured

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My third request, this one for 1Mando !

Really hope you like it, not sure if it's what you were looking for but I hope there's something there for you! 🙂

I haven't had change to gramma check yet but will do soon!
Thank you so much for the request it was cute to write 🥺

(Imagine Bilbo becomes injured and you take it upon yourself to look after him)

"BILBO!" You had screamed, other lower voices echoing your same terror.

You had almost felt your heart sink as you saw Bilbo run to aid Thorin, attacking the mighty orc from behind. But you were stuck, the thick fog of the fire obscuring your view as you held on for dear life, hearing the piercing screams of the other dwarves.

You had joined the company as one of Thorin's kin, you had been the only one to not distrust the hobbit at first and you had warmed to him quickly during the endless days and nights you had spent riding by his side. Bilbo was an outcast for his lack of dwarvishness. You weren't an outcast as such, but you often felt like one against the male folk who would have to remind themselves that you were not that fragile. Bilbo's conversations about his love for the small comforts in life and his desire to help even when he was undermined had brightened your horizons.

The relief you felt when you saw Bilbo was un-injured was comforting in itself and you had almost wanted to punch Thorin for his accusations against the hobbit before he had turned around to hugged him.

It must be a special occasion if the "outcast" can make Thorin apologise. You had mused.

And so your journey had continued. But it wasn't long before you had noticed Bilbo straying behind. Not wanting to draw the attention of the others to the hobbit, you shouted to the company.

"Give me a moment, I just need to adjust my bag." You pretended to re-position your pack.

"We can wait, lass." Dwalin had smiled, turning his head.

"No need," you had smiled back, "it won't take a second." He nodded and continued on.

As you had slowed to a stop, Bilbo gradually, with his slow pace, caught up to you. He didn't make eye contact and instead had his gaze set ahead.

"Are you going to tell me what is wrong, Bilbo?" You had asked softly, still keeping your attention on arranging your bag.

You noted him pause out of the corner of your eye, his eyes darting to you then back ahead as he continued to walk. "I'm perfectly fine." He replied dryly.

It felt strange hearing him speak to you with such little enthusiasm but it didn't faze you as you started to walk beside him again as he continued on, the pair of you now at the back of the group.

"If you were injured during your attack you do not need to hide it Bilbo." You turned to look at him. "Especially from me."

He looked at you now, a sadness in his eyes. "How-how did yo-"

"Because I have become accustomed to your habits Mr Baggins." You smiled sadly. "And I know you do not usually like to stray this far from the group. You may have proved your self a selfless hobbit but, and I mean this as no offence to your bravery and heroism, you know you feel safer closer to the group. And that is perfectly fine." Your smile shifted to a reassuring one and then your gaze wavered and your brows creased. "But please, Bilbo. Do not walk on without addressing your injury."

The hobbit sighed, and moved back the side of his coat to reveal a red blotch on his tunic. "I stopped the bleeding," he said disheartened, "but it hurts to move."

You stopped a gasp. The wound wasn't deadly, you could tell by his ability to function and only a small amount of blood had been lost. But your want to gasp came from the fact that Bilbo felt the need to keep it concealed. "Why hide it?" You had asked, a sadness in his eyes.

"I didn't want to get in the way of their journey. We need to keep going, we are running out of time and I-I."

"Mr Baggings you are apart of this Company. We paused to let the dwarves recover after the troll attack and I doubt we'll not stop to allow any of them recover from any future injuries. You cannot continue with this wound without treating it, it may grow worse from infection or your constant movement may simply make it reluctant to heal. You are one of us, Bilbo, and we look after our kind." You smiled, placing a hand on his shoulder. Before he had the chance to speak, you cut in. "At our next rest, we will treat your wound. And who knows, maybe it will scar and you will have a strong warrior's mark of your endless bravery." Reluctantly, he looked away and finally nodded.

The camp that the dwarves set up was only to last until morning and you knew that Bilbo would need at least the next day to recover his energy and ensure that there was no other side effects to be concerned about. It hadn't taken much for you to persuade Thorin, in fact he had said that the dwarves would take camp for longer before you had even asked it. You knew now that Bilbo had proven himself. He never needed to, but it would be easier from here.

Bilbo sat a little away from the fire, his soft features lit up by the flames. You came to sit by him bringing a fresh cloth, as he leaned against a wooden log. You dabbed it over the wound, his body seeming more fragile with even the smallest gash.

You looked up at him, smiling before focusing your attention on the wound. "I'll bandage it up soon, we can use the material from my coat seeing as we appear to keep losing much of our precious belongings along the way."

"We haven't lost them all." You had almost missed it and to be honest you think that you had made it up. You glanced up at him to question him but he spoke again. "Thank you. I really mean it (y/n), thank you." He looked down to you and smiled.

"There is nothing to thank, bilbo." You said, chuckling softly. "And there never will be. Anything I do for you, is my honour." You placed a hand to your heart then stood up. "I will be back shortly."

You walked back to the fire to grab some food from the pot but were startled by a sudden voice.

"He's dying to tell you."

You looked up to see the dwarf sat on the other side of the fire. "And what do you mean by that, Kili?"

A small smirk formed on his lips. "Oh nothing, (y/n), I'm just making trouble." But the smile still remained and your shook your head, bringing the food back to Bilbo.

As morning started to dawn you hadn't realised how much time had passed as you had stayed awake, watching over Bilbo, being relieved at the sight of every soft rise and fall of  of his chest. Suddenly, just as the sun started to show its face, Bilbo stirred, feeling a presence. His eyes fluttered open to see you.

"(Y/n)? Why are you still awake, you need rest." He said, suddenly alert.

"I needed to make sure you were okay, Master Baggins." You said, smiling sleepily.

Before you knew it a soft hand placed itself on the side of your face and you didn't realise you were leaning into it.

"We didn't lose all of our precious belongings." He said, softly.

You rose a brow, smiling still. "What do you mean?"

"Well, I didn't lose you." He said, smiling, gazing at you as if he was witnessing the beauty of a night sky. Your heart fluttered. You hadn't known you had needed this or that it was even real. You had thought it, but pushed it away, feeling that your emotions would not be returned. Then he suddenly clicked, almost embarrassed and he quickly looked away.

You couldn't help but grin. "Oh no, Bilbo. I won't have you shying away from me any more. I have told you time and time again I am here for you. And I always will be."

He looked up, a strong smile on his face again as another hand cupped your face. "And I you. Always, and forever."

You both didn't need to say anything else. Your words, thoughts and feelings were established. And you stayed by his side while the morning sun rose.

Damn I hate it when Kili is right.

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