But then again, it seems like I don't really have much say on this or the whole matter. I waited until I don't see anyone rushing again and until the crowd slowly dissipated before I pushed myself off the railing and started walking towards the exit and down the building. My pace was slow as I trudged towards the practice room where the others are.

"President Lee!" Keyin's familiar voice rang throughout the corridor. I turned back and saw her running towards my direction. She grinned widely as she clutched her notebook. "Phew! I thought I was late and the last to arrive." She sighed in relief as she matched my pace.

"I am late." I deadpanned and her lips parted, before she just shrugged.

"Well, I guess it's better than being late alone."

The two of us continued towards the room. Upon entering, I didn't waste an second before sitting on the spot closest to the door and ended up next to Daimeng. Keyin followed and occupied the spot next to me. It brought slight relief to me that the room isn't too quiet. It brought my mind off the fact that she was in this small room with me.

"President Lee..." Keyin called out as she started flipping through her notes and scooted closer. I stayed quiet, figuring that t's something about the schedule.

"We were supposed to have our Yes! OK! Practice now, but I already assigned Fu Yaning to take over and lead the others to practice while we're here. The fashion department also said that they finished the adjustments to the costumes and is waiting for feedback. Same with the video and photography club, their proposed posters and trailers are done as well and just needed to be checked. You have a meeting with Ella Laoshi and the team regarding the stage set-ups this afternoon... and yeah, that's all for now."

"Good." I mumbled and nodded. "I'll get those done as soon as this is over."

"Yah, Xie Keyin. Are you sure you guys aren't stressing Y/N out?" Yu Yan spoke up from where she is sitting next to Daimeng. Keyin let out a gasp and threw Yu Yan an offended look.

"Excuse you! We don't stress our president as best we can. The schedule we prepared is for optimal productivity. With it, she finished a lot of tasks and not because we stress her. Unlike some-"

"Stop talking." I drawled out, cutting Keyin off as they're both ranting in my ears.

Thankfully, they both stopped and I didn't hear anything anymore from them. My eyes panned the room and I saw Lin Fan sitting with Keran on the corner. Her eyes landed on me and she gave off a wide grin and a wave. Both of which I could only reply to with a nod. She didn't seem to mind it as she returned to animatedly talking to Keran.

The room only went into complete silence as Lisa Laoshi walked through the door. She announced that we will be grouped into two, to perform two songs at the graduation night. She turned the television on and played us both songs and it made some of the others excited as started to get hyped up.

"Those are the two songs." Lisa Laoshi said as she paused the song. "Both are already completed tracks. Once you're grouped into two, you can choose the title you want for the song. Clear?" She asked and we all nodded.

"Now, in a piece of paper, I want you all to write your name and what you want to perform either song number 1 or 2. After, fold it and drop it to this bowl." She ordered as she showed a small fish bowl. "This is to ensure that you'll be grouped equally without influence."

With that, we all got to work to do her instruction. I felt my pockets and found a random blue sticky note and just borrowed a pen from Keyin. I wrote my name on it and song number 1. I returned the pen and started folding the paper. The others are taking their time in choosing and I didn't want to be the first to drop my paper.

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