Chapter 20 - Pleasant Plans

Start from the beginning

Severus stood first to chivalrously help Harriet out of her chair before they left the Great Hall.

Harriet held onto her lover's arm while they walked across the castle.

Once the glowing greenhouse came into view, Harriet could already see that it was filled with carved and lighted pumpkin lanterns.


Their walk didn't last terribly long.

Alone in the greenhouse, with the rest of the school in bed, it only took a few moments of lingering there, in the romantic, flickering light from the many pumpkin lanterns to remind Severus and Harriet of their kiss earlier that had ended far too soon.

When Severus watched Harriet press a hand to her full tummy and sigh through her plump lips, he all but attacked his omega.

Severus had cast a silencing charm, followed by a cloaking spell, after Harriet gasped when his lips found her throat and it became obvious that they wouldn't be able to make it back to the seclusion of their private rooms.

With Harriet clawing at his shoulders, Severus pulled dry, throaty cries of pleasure from his mate's lips while he claimed her against the greenhouse wall.

Harriet's legs were spread obscenely wide around her alpha's slender waist.

Severus had hastily pushed her robes and bra aside so that he could access her darkened nipples without hindrance.

If Severus hadn't employed concealing enchantments, the entire school would have heard Harriet as she finally found her pleasure, holding onto Severus while he growled and spilled himself within her.

Satisfied, the headmaster and his omega were in no rush.

They stayed together, with Harriet's legs still clenched around his waist, while they kissed languidly and lamented the lack of a nest in which they could cuddle.

Severus could see the exhaustion in Harriet's emerald eyes once he finally let himself slip from her.

Thoughtfully, he lifted Harriet into his arms, carried her through the castle, and back to their chambers after he mobilized his cloaking charm with a single murmur.

The happy sigh that Harriet let escape from her lips when he laid her down in her nest made Severus's heart flutter.

As she closed her eyes to sleep, he stared at her for some time before seeking out his own rest.

Severus looked at Harriet in the glow of the moonlight and tried to rein in his fear.

She was real, their relationship was real, the baby was real.

It was all was all true, as true as the war, as true as Lily's death, as true as the abuse Severus had previously endured for so many wretched years.

He had no trouble believing in the things that had hurt him, so it frustrated Severus when he wondered why he couldn't believe that something genuinely and purely good had finally happened in his life.


It was warm for an evening in late November when Severus hurriedly completed a few errands in Diagon Alley.

Back at the castle, Harriet was busy grading homework assignments.

She believed that Severus was working with McGonagall on an issue in the Gryfinndor common room.

Severus didn't enjoy lying to his mate, but he couldn't think of another way to accomplish his goals.

He had to check on the status of Harriet's ring.

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