𝙐𝙨𝙚𝙙 𝙩𝙤 𝙗𝙚-𝑅ℎ𝑦𝑎 𝑥 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟

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REQUESTED BY: tanmichaela
AUTHOR'S NOTE: Thank you for waiting, I hope you're having a great day!

"What brat?" he asked leaning down as you pulled his scarf wrapped around his neck grinning, "Are you sleeping beauty?" you asked smiling as he stared at you before sighing answering "why?" you chuckled pulling his hair towards you. "Because even we kiss, I could taste your breath stinks" you teased laughing as he took out his palm breathing on it before smelling his own breath.

"stupid, my breath isn't that bad!" Rhya whined sniffing his breath while you handed over a mouth wash making a disgusted face. "Hey that's kinda rude 'ya know" he peered and leaned close to your face before kissing your forehead next are both of your ears. "I carry you on my back even you weigh like an elephant" Rhya retorted whilst you planted a harsh slap on his back.

"Hey it's just a joke! No hard feelings carabao!" Rhya groaned as he shoved his hands on his hair clearing some strands off his face, a joker and a lazy man in a relationship─ this is the routine of Rhya and his wife (y/n). "Don't ever follow me, village idiot" you warned leaving him on the bench in front of your house heading somewhere Rhya doesn't have a clue.

In the meantime, Rhya groaned once again and prepared something in the house as he waited for you to return home. Just as you returned from your home, he surprised you with a cake and a two sleeping bags laid on the floor of course some flowers scattered saying 'I am sorry your flatness' you rolled your eyes as you felt two hands wrapped around your waist.

"That's a lot of effort, all you have to say is sorry" you murmured ruffling his hair, "I know right that wasted half of my life. Where have you been?!" he asked letting his chin rest on your shoulder all tired and grumpy,

"Sorry I just got pissed" you said hearing him laugh as he kissed your neck passionately, "yeah you're a piss baby" he teased as you crossed your arms over his holding those rough hands. "Want me to leave again?" you threatened as he groaned before he pulled you down laying on the sleeping bags.

"You are such a mood" you mumbled as he opened his arm for you to lay on as you wrapped your arms around his waist happily cuddling with your husband, "I know, I'm in a mood for saying I love you" Rhya stated as you hummed yawning "I love you more" before watching your husband sleep peacefully as he snores softly compared to yours who snores like a whole crowd of army.

"My husband is really patient, or lazy? Geez, I thought he'll chase me but he just waited for me" you whined kissing his cheek as he continued to snore. "One day, if ever we're going apart, let me tell you it's okay to forget me if that means you'll be a better man" you added and slept close to him.

That was the last night you have spend with Rhya before attending to Licht and Tetia's wedding─ the tragedy that changes each Elves vision about humans.

"Rhya, if there is another life waiting for us. You better not tease me anymore" she huffed and cried in pain as another arrow struck on her body watching her body bled out. . . I couldn't do anything. "I love you more" she uttered and fell asleep forever in my arms.

"Mereleona!" a girl exclaimed heading to this beast as she flipped her grimoire, her looks, that voice, "How dare you hurt my best friend!" she grunted firing crystals at me whilst I dodged all of them while this beast continued to punch me. I couldn't believe after searching for my wife, she's here all bright and. . . angry at me for hurting her dearest friend.

"(y/n), do you know this lazy ass? He keeps staring at you" Mereleona asked as she paused observing me. "No" and with that answer my whole world crashed down as if I heard the word I don't want to hear anymore, I thought you love me more? More than mine that will not forget you?

The time passes by and we all quite resolved everything that's happening, how'd we got into a situation where I'm standing with Vetto and Farah as well as Patri who turned his eyeballs to black? In addition, (y/n)'s all bloody yet she managed to survive.

"We are going to help you building the kingdom again" we offered as the wizard king allowed it, while I just stared at (y/n) subconsciously missing my wife since she really looks like my wife. From her skin tone, her hair, name, voice and even her laugh I missed the most.

"Hey why are you staring at me?" she asked stepping out with her palms inside her pockets, "Oh, sorry. It's just, you really look like someone. . . special to me" I claimed smiling over my chin as she sighed chuckling. "When I encountered some elves, they said the same thing. Maybe I am really one of their reincarnations, such a pain" she whined stepping closer and closer until there's a limited gap.

"If I am that someone special, then before you leave. Let me hug you" she said opening her arms all welcomed just like the old times where I'll rest on her chest when I'm grumpy, I couldn't get a grip and hugged her immediately planting my head on her neck smiling as I hid my tears. "(y/n), my idiot, did you know I heard what you said the last time we cuddled?" I mentioned pretending this girl I'm holding is still remembering everything.

Her warmth is just like the old times, I hope I could kiss my wife the last time. I missed her it feels like a hole was left in my chest, "I can't forget you, but I promise I'll be a better man" I said and removed myself from the hug.

"Hey, if I may ask who is this (y/n) you know?" she asked ruffling my hair as I chuckled, "Maybe if she's still here, she will wish for you to forget her and move on" she added smiling.

"Idiot she's here, you were used to be my wife." I said before disappearing. Thank you for the last time, my joker.

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