𝘾𝙝𝙞𝙘𝙠𝙚𝙣 𝙥𝙤𝙭 - 𝑌𝑢𝑛𝑜 𝑥 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟

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Requested by: LANCEESSSE
Author's note: tysm for waiting and requesting! <3 (not proofread yet)

Requested by: LANCEESSSEAuthor's note: tysm for waiting and requesting! <3 (not proofread yet)

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Yuno Grinberyall x Reader

"Promise me, you're going to attend the Knights Night and I will be your partner Yuno?" You asked lifting your pinky finger serious that you wanted Yuno to be your partner, "Alright sleep and fine, I'll be your partner" He stated wrapping his pinky finger around yours as you smiled, "now sleep idiot" he mumbled as you closed your eyes finally sleeping after that long fight you two had gotten with the Dark Triad.

That night where all the knights are allowed to get reckless and have fun all night long? An event where all the knights doesn't have any work? A night where you could confess? Dance with your crush? The Magic Knights Night, but where were you that time? Ah yes, unfortunately, you had this disease called chicken pox making you unable to attend the most awaited night you've been wanting to attend.


"Bye (y/n)," Noelle stated leaving me all alone in our Black Bulls base together with Asta and the others who seem worried for me, "I'll be alright Vanessa-senpai, Grey-senpai, Charmy-senpai" I assured making a thumbs up smiling over my blanket as they returned my grin although I knew they're worried for me "La~ I left some pastries for you downstairs okay la~? Take care (y/n)" Charmy mumbled shutting the door as I sighed. "Enjoy your night, take care!" I exclaimed with my remaining strength pouting,

Just as I knew they left even Henry-senpai, I groaned and started wrapping myself with a bunch of white pillow around me. Why! Why now? I could have just spent my night with my crush─ Yuno, this could have been the time where we would dance and wrapped ourselves to each other, and when the right time comes; I could get the long awaited kiss─ erm! Nevermind. Yuno is probably there by now and having fun with his superiors or even with Mimosa?

I let out an another groan sighing in disappointment, everything's already planned. I even picked his tuxedo for this night for us to get a partner dresses, I stared at my skin peppered with lots of red bumps that look like insect bites while some of them have developed into thin-walled blisters filled with fluid. As I hugged my white pillow, I let out a tear of disappointment with my heavy chest.

I already prepared my dress hanging in front of my cabinet, a red-velvet off-shoulder dress with a lace on the middle with some of roses embedded on the linings at the end. I wish I could have danced with Yuno though, but knowing that if he came here he will probably be disgusted on how I look. My face down to my feet are full of red spots, I will not dare him visit me with this skin. Never.

I started crying on my bed only imagining the things I could have done with Yuno if I were there too, but here I am laying on my bed with chicken pox. I heard someone click the door downstairs with a little creaking sound, oh God who was that? I mean all of them just left like 30 minutes? ─ I thought and started wiping my tears. I bit my quivering lower lip and wrapped myself with my fluffy blanket, I went downstairs and blinked out of surprise.

"Y-Yuno!" I exclaimed blushing immediately wrapping my skin as much as possible, "what are you doing here?" I asked eyeing him with his worn tuxedo while his arm held the jacket one, "visiting you? I heard you're sick that's why I came here," he mumbled and sighed scrunching his nose. "Go upstairs I'll go there too, I'll just put these foods on a plate" he mumbled as I shook my head,

"You don't have to, Just have fun with them," I declined sitting on the couch flopping my wrapped figure, "let me see the red spots, did you drank your medicine?" He asked looks like ignoring all my excuses, "no! You may get it too," I said knowing that chicken pox can be passed by to anyone. "It's fine, I already had one" He assured moving closer sitting on the couch raising his hand.

"You still dizzy? Or headache? Idiots really get sick" He teased smirking as I rolled my eyes pouting, "I'm not dizzy nor I had any fever," I responded as he sighed putting his palm over my forehead. "You still have fever, come upstairs" He mumbled as I declined yet he didn't listened, "idiot, go rest," He mumbled lifting me up carrying me like a sack of potato over his shoulder. I couldn't help but blush knowing he really cared for me even though he's acting all stern and cold.

He opened my room and brought me on my bed as I sighed, "go take a rest, I'll bring you some soup" He uttered patting my head as he brought an another blanket over my wrapped up body, "no stay here please?" I asked as I heard him sigh, "alright," he immediately responded sitting on my bed as his back and head hit the headboard. "Are you disappointed?" He asked as he caught me staring at my dress hanging on my cabinet, I only nodded trying to sleep hugging his legs as he lets me, I want to cuddle with him though. "Hey, you should get ready, wear your dress and your spots aren't that bad, idiot" he muttered and patted my head once again before leaving.

Does that mean we're going to the party! Yey! I immediately wore my dress, put my hair into bun and covered my spots on my face and skin with some foundation. I matched my makeup with the tone of my dress, not so dark yet intimidating makeup that suits for me, I smiled as I saw him wearing his tuxedo. "shall we? Idiot?" He asked asking for me to dance, we headed somewhere around the base as I look around the room decorated with various party lights and the cake that Charmy-senpai left earlier.

"You want to dance right?" He asked as I nodded, he gripped my arm gently as I looked up seeing his face and those yellow eyes looking down on me as he smirked lightly I did the same. "Where's the music?" I asked as Belle suddenly pop out of nowhere, surpringly, she's quiet and seems like she really wants me to dance with him. He guided my hands around his shoulder putting it as he held my waist pulling me close to him, I smiled and leaned on his chest. That's when the music started, Crazier, my favorite song.

I never thought this would come, I wanted to dance with him more, I have never noticed how many music have passed by. "Hey, you stopped dancing," he informed and brought his hand over my forehead again. "No, I'm fine I still want to dance with you, I just need some rest. Please" I begged hugging him as I leaned on his chest panting, "you have to rest," he whispered as he held my waist feeling like we're in a position where we could hug each other.

"Please don't leave?" I asked as he smiled, he kissed my head softly as I blushed, did he just kissed me? I smiled and lifted my pinky finger, "promise?" I asked as he nodded wrapping it around mine. I felt my weight being lifted off as I wrapped my arms around his neck, he's carrying me in a bridal style. I don't want him to leave, I don't want to be alone.

He brought me down again as I removed my dress leaving me with my shorts and a simple shirt underneath, I smiled and cuddled on my blanket eyeing him. "Sleep idiot," He mumbled playing with my hair as he sat, "Yuno, do you love me?" I asked as he sighed stopping how he played with my hair.

"Yes, now go to sleep," he muttered smiling as I did the same, I'm seeing the Yuno who really cared for me although he kept teasing me. "Can we cuddle?" I asked watching the sheets shuffle, "is this alright?" He asked extending his arms asking for me to lay on it, I smiled and giggled wrapping my arms around his chest as his hand are on the back of my head playing with my hair, "good night, Yuno, I love you" I said cuddling with him nuzzling my head on his neck. I heard him chuckle and let out a yawn as I felt his lips came close to my forehead and eyes kissing them,

"Good night, my fool"


Hello,, you want this 🎂? Click the 5 sided shape then! I would be glad if you enjoyed this chapter 🦋 love you all and happy 100k reads!! AHHH─ hihi.


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