𝙆𝙣𝙤𝙬 𝙮𝙤𝙪 𝙗𝙚𝙩𝙩𝙚𝙧-𝑊𝑖𝑙𝑙𝑖𝑎𝑚 𝑥 𝑅𝑒𝑎𝑑𝑒𝑟

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William x Reader

REQUESTED BY: MinakoArisato04
Thank you for waiting! I hope you like it!

"Captain! Are we going to help and return to Clover Kingdom?" One of your members asked. "Yeah, Nacht could handle this work" You assured and smiled. "Prepare your bones and We'll help a lot of people to recover" You remarked with your persistent voice.


"Captain?" One of my members asked. I hummed in response and began to observe the Kingdom. "Don't stress yourselves for now, We'll help tomorrow morning" I stated and smiled.

"Yes Captain" They agreed and there, We've separated our paths heading to our own favored places. While, I headed to Golden Dawn for some reasons.

"Mimosa? Kirsch?" I asked as I landed on the ground safely. "Y/n!" Mimosa cheered while the both of them reached for my figure.

"How are you guys? I heard Elves attacked you?" I asked worriedly and hugged them tightly. "We're fine, and don't touch me you're ruining my beauty" Kirsch remarked making me pull out from the hug.

"Since when you surpassed my beauty?" I asked sarcastically and chuckled. "Still, What if something bad happens? What am I going to do" I worriedly stated and closed my eyes.

"Please take care of yourselves" I murmured and let a tear roll down from my cheeks. "Oi, Don't cry" Mimosa comforted and hugged me. "We're sorry for making you worry as well" She mentioned and giggled.

"Where's your Captain?" I asked her with my glare. "Ah, Welcome Captain y/n" Vangeance greeted with his famous calming smile. "Kirsch, Tell to Dorothy be ready for some scolding later." I remarked before heading to his figure.

"Let's talk somewhere private, Captain Vangeance" I uttered and smirked. "As you wish Captain y/n" He agreed and there, we walked through the hallways away from anyone and let the silence enter our atmosphere.

"This is a private one" He muttered and opened the door to his office. "I agree" I murmured and entered inside. I stood still waiting for him to close the door and locked it.

"William Vangeance, We need to talk about Mimosa." I uttered coldly.

William POV
I accidentally overheard y/n's and Her sibling's conversation and it kind of made me guilty since I am the one who started this rucus.

Until, She asked for my presence that is why I immediately presented myself in front of her.

Captain Y/n Vermillion is a girl and a Captain I didn't know. I didn't know any detail about her, All I know is she is spending her life on spying other Kingdoms. Making me assume her as the Mysterious girl.

"William Vangeance, We need to talk about Mimosa." she mentioned coldly with her death glare. She walked closer and closer heading to my figure until there is enough space for the both of us.

"Do you know how much rucus and How dangerous your plan is?" She asked like she knew it was me who has two souls in my body recently. "I know every single thing." She muttered and clicked her tongue.

"I'm so─!" As I am about to say sorry in front of her. I felt a sting on my cheeks. She slapped me.

After slapping me, I saw her shed tears from her eyes with her voice quivering. "What will you do if my sister died?" She asked with her tone full of worries and hatred.

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