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Taehyung felt happy knowing his daughter was really blessed and was having a good life. He didn't have to worry about her anymore. He was tired. He had been fighting with everyone since young and now he wanted to rest. Taehyung sent Jungkook a short message, telling him to take good care of himself and that he didn't blame him.

After he said this, he looked at the blue sky overhead, cut his wrist and slowly lost consciousness.

As soon as Jungkook relieved the message, he rushed home. However, it was already too late.

When Jungkook cautiously pushed open the balcony door and softly called out 'Taehyung', what he saw was but an ice-cold corpse.

His Taehyung sat on the chair and was still wearing the grey sweater he had chosen for him. It was as though he had merely fallen asleep.

"Taehyung, don't sleep anymore."

His hand was cold and his face was as well. Aside from not breathing and not having a temperature, the person before his eyes was no different from how he usually was.

Jungkook knelt on the floor and said, "Taehyung, I was wrong."

No one spoke, let alone scold him.

"Taehyung." Jungkook said, "Just forgive Jungkookie this once okay?"

The wintry wind, somewhat large, blew at the door that hadn't been closed properly and made it clang.

Jungkook's eyes reddened frighteningly. He hugged Taehyung's already ice-cold cheek and kissed gently.

From his forehead to his nose, to the corner of his mouth, to his chin.

Jungkook said, "Taehyung, do you just hate me that much?"

He staggered back into the room and placed the person on the bed. He turned the heating on to the maximum, as though so long as he did this, his beloved Taehyung would regain his former warmth.

"Taehyung." Jungkook's tears fell bit by bit. His complexion gradually became grey in the wake of his tears, as though the tears were not liquid, but his life.

"Taehyung." Jungkook said, "Just look at Jungkookie once more okay?"

No one would answer him anymore.

No matter what he did, the person who left would not look back.

"You're so heartless."

In his message, Taehyng's manner was very calm, as though the excessive things Jungkook did to him were completely insignificant within his life.

He even advised Jungkookto not to be too sad after his death. "After I leave, don't be too sad. Perhaps after a few years, you will find someone you like even more." He said it so calmly, so indifferently. Jungkook had placed his heart upon Taehyung and Taehyung took that heart and returned it to Jungkook, even telling him, 'this heart is still warm, it could be given to someone else'.

How could Taehyung know, without him, this heart would be broken.

Jungkook's words failed him and his mind was blank. He could only unwaveringly hold his Taehyung.

"Taehyung." Jungkook said. "Wait for me."

The news of Taehyung's death came abruptly.

When Eunji received the news, she was completely caught off guard. She cried an episode that night and then hurried back to Korea to make a punitive expedition against Jungkook.

However, when she saw him, the constrained anger in her heart could not come out.

Jungkook was too thin.

In but a few days, his entire body thinned until it lost its form. A few traces of silver appeared in his black hair and his lips lost their colour. From a distance, he looked like a walking corpse.

Everything she had wanted to say choked up in her throat. Eunji said, "Jungkook."

Jungkook raised his head and looked at her coldly.

"You, are you all right?" Eunji had originally wanted to seek comfort. But when she saw him like this, she was stunned to find that her sadness was not even one-tenth of Jungkook's.

Jungkook did not speak.

Eunji said, "You, don't be too sad......" She heard that her father had died from a sudden outburst of an illness. But in the end, what illness it was, what way he had died, she wasn't clear about any of it.

"Let's go." Jungkook said. "Don't keep Taehyung waiting."

When she heard his voice, her heart felt even worse.

Many people came to Taehyung's funeral. Although he had already stopped participating in the Kim family affairs, in the end, Taehyung's prestige was deep.

Jungkook stood before the mourning hall in a black suit, his expression was extremely cold and detached.

Eunjidealt with the guests, forcing herself to smile.

The funeral lasted seven days. Seven days later, Taehyung was buried.

On the day of his burial, Jungkook disappeared. Eunji searched all over Kim home but could not find him.

Eunji held Taehyung's urn and put it into the grave with tears.

Eunji said, "Dad, Jungkook is too broken-hearted, do not blame him."

The chilly wind blew and made people's heads hurt. Eunji knelt in front of the grave and heavily kowtowed. When she stood up again, her entire body swayed heavily.

Eunji's husband supported her and only then was Eunji able to stabilize herself. She choked with sobs, saying, "I did not accompany Dad in his passing."

Her husband kissed her on the cheek and soothed her emotions.

She had originally thought that Jungkook was too sad to appear at the funeral. However, she did not expect that from that day on, he disappeared.

He seemed to suddenly evaporate from the world. Eunji called the police and hired professionals but ended up empty-handed.

For a time, the Kim family was a thunder of dragons without a head and was in disorder.

Eunji had already gone abroad and simply had no heart to care for these things. She just wanted to find Jungkook and know that he was doing well.

However, there was no news about Jungkook.

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