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Jungkook disregarded Taehyung's rejection and helped him put on the stud earring. The earring was a very small red diamond that matched Taehyung's pale skin very well.

Jungkook said, "I want to spend my entire life with you."

And so day by day they passed their time together like this. Taehyung had tried to escape, but Jungkook's guard over him was truly too deep and there were no less than thirty people watching him——He simply couldn't escape.

Moreover, his connection to the outside world was monitored as well. For instance, one day, he had wanted to send an email to his former subordinate and just as he was going to press the send key, the internet was directly cut.

And then in the evening, Jungkook came back and taught him a good lesson. It wasn't until he began to cry lowly and beg for mercy that Jungkook said, "Taehyung, if you want to have relations with others, I will feel jealous." He said it very tactfully, but it was impossible for Taehyung to not understand.

Taehyung lived unabashed and leisure days and time passed quickly. 

A year later, Taehyung received Eunji's wedding invitation.

In this past year, the father and daughter had met several times. However, Jungkook was present every time.

In order to let Eunji set her mind at ease, Taehyung could only show that he was willing.

Although she was suspicious and made many indirect inquiries to the point of even stealthily handing Taehyung a note, he did not respond at all.

It was as if she really had misunderstood her father and Jungkook's relationship.

Thus, a year passed and Eunji graduated from university. Very soon, she would step into the wedding hall.

The invitation even had some fragrance on it. Taehyung took a look at it then put it to the side.

Jungkook asked gently, "Since we are going to attend the wedding, You and I should go choose some suits in a few days."

Taehyung agreed lightly.

Jungkook smiled satisfactorily. Over the past year, his Taehyung gradually changed from intense struggle to silent acceptance and even the occasional pandering.

Jungkook saw this entire change with his eyes. He moved closer and kissed the corner of Taehyung's mouth, asking, "What would Mister like to eat in the evening?"

Taehyung said, "Anything."

Jungkook said, "Then I will make your favourite vinegar fish."

Taehyung watched Jungkook leave the bedroom then picked up the invitation and sighed softly.

On the day of the wedding, Taehyung naturally appeared in the lobby.

Eunji held the most traditional wedding. She seemed to be clear that her father just wanted to see her live life in a peaceful and tranquil way, without sorrow or calamity, a house with children and grandchildren full of happiness.

But Eunji wanted to cry.

Although Taehyung's attitude was very obvious, even to this day, she did not believe that her father was with Jungkook of his own free will.

Eunji had used many methods but did not get an answer from her dad. But today, she would make one last attempt.

She toasted to her dad and Jungkook. She wore a white veil and had exquisite make-up on her face which brought out a time known to be a woman's most beautiful moment.

Eunji said, "Dad, you are the most important person in my life."

Taehyung laughed shallowly when he heard this. "Be careful of your husband eating vinegar."

Eunji said, "Where does he dare eat vinegar?"

Taehyung smiled and did not speak.

The ceremony ended and the banquet began.

As a father-in-law who had married off his daughter, Taehyung had no appetite. He ate two bites then stopped moving his chopsticks.

Jungkook asked him if he was feeling uncomfortable. 

Taehyung shook his head slowly and said, "I'm going to the washroom."

Jungkook nodded and said yes.

Taehyung went to the washroom and opened the tap to wash his hands. He washed his face as well, wanting to sober himself up a bit. After he was done washing, he pulled out a paper towel, but from the corner of his eye, he saw a figure enter the washroom and smoothly shut the door.

"You——" Just as Taehyung wanted to say something, he realized that the person was actually Eunji. Only, she had changed her wedding dress for simple men's clothing. She said, "Dad, you aren't willing right? I've already prepared airplane tickets and an ID for you——You can leave the country now."

He hadn't expected Eunji to say such a thing and was dumbfounded.

Eunji reached out and grasped his hand. She choked with sobs and said, "Dad, I really am useless." When you were in need of help the most, I wasn't able to do anything.

"Foolish girl." Taehyung laughed in spite of himself. He reached out and patted her head, saying, "From morning till night, just what things are you thinking of."

She looked at her dad blankly.

"I am doing this of my own free will." Taehyung threw the paper that had wiped away the water into the garbage can. He said in a simple tone, "You don't need to worry."

"Dad, you're really not deceiving me?" She still had disbelief written across her face. She really couldn't understand, why was her homophobic father actually together with Jungkook voluntarily.

"En, not deceiving you," Taehyung said. "Today is your big day, and yet what sort of things are you thinking about in your mind...... still not going out and quickly changing these clothes."

Eunji hadn't reacted yet.

"You're big now." Taehyung said. "Don't let Dad worry."

Eunji hugged Taehyung heavily and called 'Dad'.

Taehyung said, "Go on."

And then Eunji left. Taehyung stood in the washroom, then after a moment, said, "Are you satisfied now?"

A person who should have been sitting at the banquet came in from the corner and said, "You truly love Eunji."

Taehyung's expression was full of exhaustion. He just knew that Jungkook wouldn't be assured about him going somewhere by himself. Moreover, everything on his body had been provided by Jungkook. Whether there was a monitor or not was a problem.

Eunji, this foolish girl, just came so directly——If he really did promise her, he feared that the next scene would be him being violated by Jungkook in front of Eunji.

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