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When Eunji heard that Jungkook had fallen ill, she rushed over to the hospital. Upon seeing Jungkook who lay in the hospital bed and Taehyung who had a worried frown, she asked, "Dad, what happened to Hyung?"

Taehyung said, "Go out and talk."

In the corridor, Eunji asked anxiously, "Dad, what illness did Hyung get?"

Taehyung said, "It hasn't been found yet." He hadn't slept for a day now and his forehead was full of irritation and fatigue. "I'm preparing to transfer him."

Eunji asked, "Transfer where?"

Taehyung said, "City B, if it still can't be found we'll go abroad."

Eunji's heart trembled and she knew that this matter might be very serious. She said, "Dad, rest assured, I'll still be here. You can take Hyung to treat his illness with ease."

Taehyung said, "Eunji, am I too strict with him?"

Eunji hadn't thought that Taehyung would come up with such a sentence. From this, she could also see how big of a strike Jungkook falling ill was to Taehyung. So big that he even began to doubt his way of educating Jungkook.

Eunji said, "Dad, no matter if you are strict or not with Hyung, as long as he is happy, what you do is correct."

Taehyung let out a breath.

Eunji said, "Dad, you go and have a good rest for a while. I'll go and watch Hyung"

Taehyung had wanted to refuse at first but he thought about how this would be a long battle and how he couldn't stay up forever no matter how he endured, so he nodded his head and agreed to Eunji's proposal.

Thus, Taehyung drove home and then lay in bed after taking a shower.

However, he was too sleepy and couldn't fall asleep. Taehyung later fell asleep in a daze.

When he woke up again, his first reaction was to check his phone to see if he had any missed calls. After finding out that he had none, he was a little disappointed——this meant that Jungkook had no changes.

In fact, Taehyung's sleep had not lasted for more than three hours. However, after waking up, he wasn't as tired as he was before. He changed his clothes and then went to the hospital again.

Eunji was playing on her phone next to the hospital bed.

When she saw Taehyung come over, she asked, "Dad, have you eaten?"

Only then did Taehyung remember that he hadn't eaten yet.

Eunji knew that he definitely didn't eat when she saw his expression. She said, "Go and eat something first. I'll be here." There were still two bodyguards at the door, so there was no fear of the bed needing to be pushed or any other heavy job.

Taehyung said lightly, "No appetite."

However, it was now Eunji's turn to coax her dad like one would a child. She said softly, "Dad, hurry and go eat. If Hyung gets better and you collapse then it wouldn't be good."

WhenTaehyung heard this, he looked at Eunji, then smiled faintly. "Eunji has grown up."

Eunji said, "I had grown up long ago la, it's just that Daddy still takes me for a child."

Taehyung didn't continue to argue with her either and went out to randomly eat something.

When he came back, it just so happened to be the time that Jungkook was being pushed away for an examination. This time, the examination was for his head. Eunji was a little anxious as she waited outside.

Seeing that Taehyung had come back, she forced a smile on her face and said, "So quick?"

"En." Taehyung said. "He's gone in?"

Eunji nodded.

Taehyung gazed at the entranceway of the sick room and after a long time, he softly sighed, "In the end, it's my fault."

Eunji hugged her dad's arm strongly both solemnly and said to him in a serious tone, "Dad, don't say this. If Hyung heard you say this, he would be sad."

Taehyung didn't speak.

"You don't know just how much Hyung admires you," Eunji said jokingly. "Didn't you always sign our examination papers when we were young? Every time the examination paper was done being used, he would earnestly and seriously cut out the words you signed and save them in a small jar."

The more Taehyung listened the sourer his heart became.

Eunji said, "Thinking back now, I was really stupid...... Almost...... Ai, I actually liked those sorts of scum."

Recalling these memories, Taehyung's tightly pursed brows finally relaxed.

Eunji really had grown up. Instead of having her father protect her, she instead protected her beloved father. Seeing Taehyung's exhausted expression, she helped in the ways that she could and prepared for the worst as well...... If something really did happen to Jungkook, she needed to stay by her father's side.

Jungkook was pushed out from inside and Taehyung discovered that his head had been shaved bare.

Eunji mumbled to herself, "Still so good looking after shaving his head, it really breaks the rules."

Taehyung smiled, but the smile did not reach his eyes.  Taehyung and Eunji were the same and towards the unconscious Jungkook, prepared themselves for the worst.

However, perhaps God bequeathed pity, for when Taehyung was preparing to transfer Jungkook over to city B, he unexpectedly woke up.

Not only did he wake up, but when he opened his eyes and saw Taehyung, he actually called out the word 'daddy'.

Taehyung was a little stunned. He hugged him heavily and called out, "Jungkook."

Jungkook grasped Taehyung's sleeves firmly and said vaguely, "D-dad, don't, leave me......"

Taehyung consoled him quietly, "Good child, I won't go anywhere."

Eunji who stood next to him inexplicable ate some vinegar from Jungkook.

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