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The emotion in Eunji's eyes changed and her tears fell. She said piteously, "It's okay that you didn't come to the parent-teacher meeting, but why won't you let me go camping, wuwuwu."

Taehyung: "......"

Under Eunji's crying, venting, and expressing of her little grievances, Taehyung proclaimed that his resistance had failed. He sighed and reached out to touch Eunji's nose briefly. "You."

As soon as Eunji heard that there was an opening, she showed a smile on her face and then came over to give Taehyung a kiss on his cheek. "I love Daddy the most!"

Taehyung was helpless and could only think of telling a few people to follow Eunji when the time came.

The camping location was at a nearby mountain that was used to prevent sunstroke. Taehyung only realized why Eunji absolutely had to go after hearing his subordinate's report——it was because Jungkook was also going.

Taehyung looked at the information, his face expressionless.

The subordinate who found the information didn't dare breath too loudly, afraid that this daughter-con would suddenly flip out.

Who would have imagined that in the next moment, his family's boss would helplessly say, "In the end, she has grown up."

Subordinate: "......" Ahahahah, even more, scared now.

The weather was getting even hotter now and going out had turned into torture.

However, this summer was a lot better than countless of Jungkook's previous summers. The salary he received from handing out leaflets in the shopping mall was already enough for his mother and to cover his expenses. There was even a little that could be saved for his tuition fees in the future.

Eunji still came to find Jungkook every day. Once, Jungkook asked Eunji, "Why do you like me?"

Then Eunji answered back earnestly and seriously, "Because you look good."

Jungkook: "......" 

Eunji said with a smile on her face, "Especially good looking."

Very good, it seemed like both the father and daughter were disdainful face-con dogs.

The camping trip started just at the beginning of summer vacation.

Eunji got excited the day before and turned over all the clothes in the wardrobe, asking Taehyung which one looked good.

Taehyung thought to himself, 'If you wear it for your father to see, everything looks good. If you wear it for others to see, everything looks ugly.' Naturally, he didn't say this aloud and merely pointed out two clothes that were particularly more covering.

Eunji wasn't dumb either. She pouted and said, "Daddy isn't even the least bit serious about choosing."

Taehyung said, "How do you know that I'm not being serious?"

Eunji harrumphed. "All the ones you chose are long-sleeved!"

Taehyung solemnly said, "There are so many mosquitos on the mountain, be careful about getting bitten and scarring if you don't wear long sleeves."

Eunji said, "Then when I asked you what I should wear when swimming how come you chose long sleeves ah!

Taehyung: "......" Because your swimsuits are all too revealing.

Eunji said dishearteningly, "Okay, okay, I won't ask you anymore."

Taehyung received a hard strike and left by himself.  On the day of Eunji's departure, Taehyung quietly drove to the school and watched their school bus leave before returning home sadly.

The school camping trip would last four days. Naturally, Taehyung had assigned people to follow Eunji but there was still a feeling of emptiness deep inside. In fact, there was a big reason why Taehyung had refused to let Eunji go camping. He felt like something was going to happen. Facts proved that his sixth sense was right because, on the third night of Eunji's departure, the people Taehyung sent called him and told him that Eunji went missing. On top of that Jungkook also went missing with her.

Taehyung had originally been sleeping but instantly sobered up when he received this call. He inquired about the situation carefully then immediately notified his subordinates before driving to the campsite.

It was a seven-hour car drive. When Taehyung reached the destination, the first glimmer of dawn was already shining above the sky of the mountain.

The subordinates who informed Taehyungof the news were all in a difficult position. When they saw Taehyung come alone, they all showed a look of fear.

Taehyung didn't rush to get angry but asked for the specific situation before saying, "Have you called the police yet?"

The subordinates trembled with fear and asked, "Is, is it appropriate to call the police?

Taehyung said coldly, "Is it not them who say to call the police if there are any difficult situations? I'm not even afraid, what are you afraid of?" It wasn't like he did anything to break the law.

That subordinately quickly agreed.

Taehyung continued, "Find her. If you can't, don't even think about returning either."

As he said these words, someone was actually so frightened their two things trembled and they directly peed their pants——if their boss' daughter really did meet with a mishap then they were absolutely done for.

Taehyung no longer paid attention to them and walked to the place where Eunji had disappeared.

Fortunately, it was midsummer right now and the temperature wouldn't fall too low even at night. However, dehydration was a big problem. Seeing the sunrise higher and higher, Taehyung didn't dare tarry.

After searching for more than an hour, Taehyung finally found a trace of her near a steep slope. There he saw a few rags hanging on a small shrub by the slope, it seemed like broken pieces of clothes had been left behind.

Taehyung shouted loudly from the top of the steep slope, "Eunji!! Eunji!!!"

A moment later, the sound of Eunji's crying voice responded from under the steep slope. She called out with sobs, "Dad, I'm here, I'm here!!"

When Taehyung heard this, he finally let out the breath he was holding in his heart.

He said, "Wait here, I'll come down immediately."

Eunji cried out 'wuwu's as she began to let out the grievances and helplessness from her heart.

This slope was rather steep and had thick shrubs on it where the traces of someone sliding down could be seen.

Taehyung found a piece of wood to use as a walking stick and climbed down bit by bit.

As he reached the bottom, he saw Eunji who had tears all over her face and Jungkook, whose body was in a sorry situation.

"What happened?" Taehyung's brows furrowed.

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