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Naturally, Eunji asked why.

Taehyung said, "His name is Jihoon and he came to cheat wealth and cheat sex."

Eunji became angry as soon as she heard this. She confirmed a few questions with Taehyung then hung up with a 'pa'.

Taehyung had faith in Eunji. Just as expected, in the evening, he heard from his staff that Eunji had actually gone as far as to beat Jihoon up. Jihoon had wanted to fight back but was unexpectedly unable to beat Eunji.

Towards this, Taehyung was left speechless. He didn't know if he should be happy or sad.

Jungkook came running home every day these days and would always eat dinner with Taehyung.

Seeing that Taehyung's mood wasn't right today, he asked him what had happened.

Taehyung told him about the matter of Jihoon.

When Jungkook heard this, his action of picking vegetables paused slightly. He asked, "Mister if someone tricked you, how would you deal with them?"

Taehyung replied nonchalantly, "Submerge in cement and sink in the sea."

Jungkook smiled, "Mister really is merciless."

Taehyung was a little unhappy when he heard his words. He said, "This is called merciless? If they're afraid of me being merciless then why betray me?"

Jungkook said, "Ah..... I didn't mean anything. Mister, don't be angry."

After dinner, Eunji gave Taehyung a call. She coarsely cursed Jihoon for a while, saying that she was blind, that Jihoon was too loathsome.

Taehyung listened, only listening, and didn't talk.

Finally, Eunji said, "But it doesn't matter, I already plan on finding a new boyfriend."

Taehyung almost spat out the tea in his mouth.

Eunji said, "That brother looks a lot better than Jihoon——Ai, it's just that he doesn't really like to pay attention to me."

Taehyung truly admired this daughter of his.

Eunji said, "But it doesn't matter, I will make him fall in love with me."

This phone call really made Taehyung physically and mentally haggard. After hanging up, he washed and then quickly went to bed.

Perhaps his mood affected the quality of his sleep because Taehyung's sleep was terrible.

He felt himself wake up but it was a sheet of darkness before him. His mind was muddled like it was a pot of paste.

In any case, when Taehyung finally woke up, he felt like his entire body was unwell to the extreme. He sat up in bed and with the wipe of his hand, found that his head was covered in a cold sweat.

However, he wasn't sure if it was his own misconception, but Taehyung found that his vitality was becoming worse and worse.

At first, it was sleepiness. He usually got up at seven in the morning every day and didn't need to use alarm clocks. However, when he woke up at twelve on a certain day, he was completely dumbfounded.

He sat on the bed blankly. 'Dong dong dong' knocks sounded at his door. Jungkook's extremely anxious voice came from outside, "Mister, Mister, are you alright?"

Taehyung walked over slowly and opened the door for Jungkook.

As soon as Jungkook came in, he saw Taehyung with a sluggish expression. He had never seen Taehyung like this. Even when the usual Taehyung was tired, one wouldn't think that he was easy to push around——A lion might rest for a bit, but it was still a lion.

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