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Jungkook's mood was heavy and he thought a bit much. On top of that, the business was particularly busy during this time and so, he unexpectedly fell ill.

Jungkook was still sitting in his study dealing with matters when Taehyung found out. Recently, Jungkook hadn't been going to school. When Taehyung asked him, he had only said that the courses could all be self-studied and it didn't matter if he went or not.

Taehyung entered the study and found that Jungkook's face was very red. Despite this, Jungkook was still wearing a pair of glasses, staring at the computer screen with knitted brows.

Taehyung called, "Jungkook."

Jungkook asked, "Mister?"

Taehyung asked, "How come you haven't gone to sleep yet?" It was one in the morning now.

Jungkook smiled and said, "How come I can't understand this...... Ai, my head feels dizzy, I've been researching for a day now."

Taehyung saw that his complexion wasn't right. He reached out to touch his forehead and was shocked by the scalding temperature of Jungkook's forehead.

Taehyung said, "You have a fever."

Jungkook took off his glasses and said as he kneaded the corners of his eyes, "It shouldn't be, I'm just a little tired."

Taehyung showed a look of disapproval and directly brought a thermometer over to let Jungkook take his temperature.

Five minutes later, Taehyung found that the thermometer showed 39 degrees.

Taehyung immediately called the family doctor to have him come over.

Jungkook still looked confused. Because of his fever, his eyes had a layer of glossy water and his expression was not as restrained and dark as it usually was. Instead, it was a bit more childish.

Taehyung patted him on the head and told him to rest.

Jungkook murmured that he was fine.

Taehyung said, "Still all fine? Are you going to burn yourself dumb before saying something's the matter?"

Jungkook sighed and reluctantly turned off the computer.

Taehyung found this appearance of his laughable and was in a good mood. He had never known that Jungkook was so addicted to work.

The doctor came very quickly. He took Jungkook's temperature and then gave him an injection.

Jungkook lay on the bed, his brows furrowing when he was given the injection. Taehyung rarely saw Jungkook show such vivid expression——Up until now, he remembered that Jungkook almost never suffered from sickness since he was young and even his most serious one was just a cold.

The doctor examined him for a bit and then said to have him eat medicine when his temperature fell. The reason for the fever might have been because his body was too exhausted and his mind was too strained so Jungkook needed to relax.

From when the doctor came to when the doctor left, Jungkook's brows never relaxed.

Taehyung saw his face of woe and found it funny. "You didn't look after your body well, now you know that it feels bad?"

Jungkook said, "My body is fine, that doctor is talking nonsense."

Taehyung didn't respond. He sat beside Jungkook for a while then gently said, "It's my fault, I shouldn't have pushed you too hard." 

Jungkook, however, said, "I like Mister treating me this way." It was precisely because of the way that Taehyung treated him that he knew that Mister valued him.

Taehyung felt that he hadn't shortchanged Jungkook for anything since he was a child and didn't know why Jungkook was so insecure.

Taehyung had originally thought that Jungkook's fever would go down after getting his injection. Unexpectedly, not even half an hour after the doctor left, Jungkook's face began to flush red again. Taehyung felt it and discovered that it was actually hotter than earlier.

Taehyung didn't call the doctor this time. He carried Jungkook on his back to go downstairs to the garage to go to the hospital——He had originally wanted to carry him in his arms but as a result, Jungkook was too heavy and the moment he bent down to hold him, he almost sprained his waist.

So Taehyung changed his posture without a word or movement and carried Jungkook on his back.

Jungkook pretended that he didn't see Taehyung's abnormality and obediently leaned against his back. Only, there was a smile in his eyes which revealed his current mood.

Arrived at the hospital. Hung in the emergency room. Received an intravenous drip.

Taehyung thought that if this fever still wouldn't go down, then he would need to have Jungkook undergo a general physical checkup.

Although having a fever was a minor symptom, it was also a precursor for some serious illnesses.

In the end, Jungkook's circumstances really weren't optimistic. His fever broke and went down. However, an hour later, Jungkook's temperature went up again.

Taehyung's heart was immediately torn with anxiety.

Jungkook was unexpectedly still smiling when he saw Taehyung being like this. He said, "Mister, I am fine."

Taehyung gnashed his teeth. "Go get an examination in a moment. You keep ahold of yourself for me, don't fall asleep."

Jungkook said okay quietly.

Taehyung clenched his hand and said, "Jungkook, you can't have a problem."

Jungkook felt Taehyung's hand make contact with his and laughed quietly. He said, "Mister, there won't be anything wrong with me."

Not long after he said this, his eyes closed.

He pushed Jungkook to get a series of examinations.

The next day, Jungkook's fever didn't have any indication of going down at all. However, the results showed that his physical condition was excellent——Except for his high fever. 

Taehyung was angered to the extreme. He said, "Can you explain what 'physical condition is excellent' means?"

The doctor had never encountered such a situation before and was somewhat helpless. He said, "This is our first time seeing such an illness." According to reason, if someone has a fever, even if the cause could not be found, some physical indicators would be abnormal. Merely, this patient was a freak and although they had a fever, the condition of their body was better than an ordinary person's. If they didn't look at the person and just the indicators, the doctor could only conclude that this person was completely healthy.

However, although the results of the examinations showed this, the patient was in a coma.

Moreover, Taehyung was a person who wasn't to be trifled with, so the crowd of doctors and nurses all trembled with a bit of fear.

Taehyung was so anxious that his heart was about to be set on fire.

After Jungkook fell into a coma, he couldn't be called awake. His face was still very red and no fever-reducing drug was useful.

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