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Because of this beating, Eunji's legs were swollen for several days. However, even though her legs were in pain, she still ran to the hospital every day, deeply afraid of not being able to see Jungkook for a day.

Taehyung hired nurses for Jungkookand his mother. In any case, he was rich and unrestrained. Moreover, this was something caused by Eunji.

Seeing Eunji running so diligently, Taehyung even joked with her, asking, "Jungkook or Dad, who do you think is better?"

"Obviously Daddy." Eunji answered very quickly. She wrapped her arms around Taehyung's neck and acted affectionately. "Daddy is the best bestest. Ten times better than Jungkook."

Taehyung scraped her nose. "Little trickster."

Eunji laughed happily. She knew that her father was definitely aware of her charade, but her father unexpectedly didn't stop her and even helped Jungkook. This was practically something that would only happen in a dream.

When Jungkook was almost better, Taehyung went to find him.

Jungkook seemed like he didn't think that Taehyung would come to see him and looked somewhat surprised.

Taehyung sat in front of him and asked, "How do you feel?"

Jungkook nodded, "A lot better, I could be discharged now."

Taehyung nodded and said, "I've paid the nurse a year's salary. She can take care of your mother before your leg is completely healed."

Jungkook pursed his lips and thanked him.

Taehyung added, "Do you want to consider following me to work."

Jungkook was stunned as soon as he heard Taehyung's proposal.

"I know about your family's circumstances," Taehyung said lightly, there was no scorn in his tone, nor was it perfunctory. His attitude towards Jungkook was not like how one treated a child, but like he was talking to an adult. He said, "So I wanted to ask about your view."

Jungkook asked, "Follow you to work?"

Taehyung fished out a report from his bosom and put it in front of Jungkook. It was a complete record of Jungkook's life and deeds in the past several years. After Taehyung saw it, he couldn't help but admit that Jungkook really was gifted. He was determined and smart enough and not too ruthless either.

The more Jungkook looked the more his brows tensed. He asked, "You investigated me?"

Taehyung said lightly, "Do you think that I would let my daughter interact with someone I don't know the ins and outs of?"

Jungkook clenched the information in his hands, not speaking.

Taehyung said, "If you also like Eunji, agreeing won't hurt. Having another path isn't something to be ashamed of."

Jungkook did not speak.

Taehyung was somewhat disappointed upon seeing this. He had thought that with Jungkook's self-respect, he would refuse his invitation.

Who would have imagined that this boy would smash Taehyung's understanding of him in the next moment, saying seriously, "If I don't like Eunji, could I still walk on your path?"

Taehyung was silenced. He laughed, "Of course." 

Jungkook was a good seedling that could still grow branches and leaves when left in a bleak and desolate place. Who knew what he would grow into when placed infertile soils.

Not long after Jungkook was discharged, Taehyung talked to him alone once again. Naturally, everything was done behind Eunji's back. If she learned that her father talked to Jungkook, who knew how much he'd need to lie.

Taehyung promised to support Jungkook up until he finished post-secondary. The support included his mother's medical expenses and the living expenses of both mother and son. The cost would be slowly repaid after Jungkook started working. Taehyung deliberately didn't include a time limit.

The words Taehyung had said to Jungkook were: "You can learn from me now or come work under me after university." Naturally, these were completely two different paths.

Taehyung had originally thought that Jungkook would choose the latter because his academic achievements were very good and it could be seen that he studied very earnestly. Unexpectedly, after hearing this, Jungkook didn't hesitate to choose the former.

Taehyung had some doubts but didn't ask him why.

The place at which Jungkook and Taehyung had their discussion was the dinner table. He was a little nervous at first, but quickly assimilated and asked about some important details.

When Jungkook talked to Taehyung, his eyes never left the older man for a moment. He felt that the person before his eyes really was deathly good looking.

The man was wearing a black tang suit and spoke in a somewhat casual tone but was able to make people listen attentively. His skin was fair, and it could be seen that he enjoyed wealth and honour. Bright red lips moved slightly, revealing sentences. Paired with that pair of long and narrow red phoenix eyes...... Jungkook's throat moved lightly.

"What's the matter?" Taehyung noticed that Jungkook was distracted.

"It's nothing." Jungkook said hoarsely, "A little nervous."

Taehyung smiled, "There's no need to be nervous." He reached out and grabbed the soup ladle, slowly filling up his bowl with soup.

Jungkook's eyes fell onto Taehyung's hands again.

Taehyung's hands were slender and fair. A simple silver ring was on his index finger. Jungkook looked at those excessively beautiful hands and his expression became all the more dazed.

Taehyung sensed that Jungkook's state wasn't right. He took a sip of his soup and asked, "What's wrong."

Jungkooklowered his head. "It's nothing."

Taehyung only took it as him still being a child that couldn't ease up in the end. He said, "Get used to it slowly."

Taehyung saw Jungkook as a child, but in fact, Jungkook was a year older than Eunji and was already sixteen. Life had hardened him to mature early.

After eating, Taehyung drove Jungkook back home.

He watched Jungkook enter his house door before turning and returning home.

That night, Jungkook had a dream.

He dreamed of a person he shouldn't have——Kim Taehyung. The man smiled at him and opened his thin lips, calling his name, "Jungkook, Kookie."

Jungkook was parched, hot and uneasy. He said, "Taehyung."

Taehyung walked over and sat by his side. Then, he used his slender and fair hands to slowly take off his own clothes. Jungkook looked at his fair chest, and those slender legs, and an unclear part that was hidden in the dark.

"I'm so hot." Taehyung acted coquettishly in distress. "Give me a hand."

Jungkook gulped his saliva. 

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