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Jungkook looked at Taehyung retreating figure, a certain place covered by a bath towel was so hard that it hurt. He didn't know when it was that he started thinking of Taehyung in this way. In any case, the first time he saw this man, he seemed to have a sort of, 'if not him, no one else was suitable' feeling.

Taehyung lived his retired-like life quite happily.

Taehyung had been in power for a long time already. Those who dared provoke him were generally tossed into cement then sunk into the sea. Although other powers didn't place him in their eyes, they didn't want to gnaw at this hard bone either.

After Eunji's non-mainstream boyfriend got scared away, she found another one. This time he was a bookworm, got good grades, and looked handsome. The problem was his moral character.

On a certain day, Taehyung received a call saying that Eunji went to a hotel with him. Angered, he rushed over that very night and pulled these two out of the hotel.

The man's pants had just been half taken off when Taehyung directly rushed in from the hall. He gnashed his teeth and said, "What do you want to do to my daughter?"

That boy was so frightened he directly wet his pants. He cried, "Uncle, it had nothing to do with me. It was her who seduced me, it was her who said she wanted to go to bed with me!"

With the palm of his hand, Taehyung slapped him on the face, hitting his entire person stupid.

In fact, Taehyung didn't completely disapprove of premarital sex, but this boy had gotten a girl's belly large before, yet didn't plan on taking responsibility. That sort of situation was one that Taehyung couldn't tolerate at all.

He said, "Okay, what you want to do to my daughter, I will have people do to you." He waved his hand and directly had people come in and pull him away.

Eunji was still crying in the room. Taehyung stood at the doorway smoking and told her to first put on her clothes.

Eunji came out crying after a while. The first thing she said almost made Taehyung's stomach burst in anger. She said, "Why did you do this daddy, we really are in true love!"

Taehyung had a splitting headache. He said, "Eunji, do you know what sort of man he is?"

Eunji said, "I know, he's a wonderful person!"

Taehyung wondered for the first time if he had spoiled his daughter too much. He said, "How many girlfriends he's had, how many stomachs he's made large, you know it all?"

Eunji showed a confused expression.

"Eunji." Taehyung said, "You disappoint me so much."

Eunji began to cry again. This time she wasn't angry, but afraid. It was her first time seeing her father with this expression. She said, "Dad, I was wrong, I'm sorry——"

"Eunji." Taehyung shook his head and said, "I shouldn't have raised you up like this." The more afraid he was that she would be hurt, the more she ran into the knife's blade. If Taehyung hadn't arrived in time, Eunji definitely would have been taken advantage of.

Taehyung said, "Don't go out to play this summer. Stay at home and learn a bit more."

Eunji looked at her dad, her face full of confusion and grievance.

Taehyung puffed out a cloud of smoke, "Send the miss back to school."

Taehyung ignored Eunji's protests and threw her to a debt collection firm once summer vacation started. Moreover, he told her, "If you dare skip class, then you don't need to return home."

Eunji cried miserably but knew that her father was being serious, so she could only resign to her fate, feeling aggrieved.

Jungkook then went to China. Before leaving, Taehyung gave him some instructions and Jungkook listened obediently.

Finally, Taehyung said, "If only Eunji were as obedient as you, how great would it be."

But Jungkook laughed, "Then she wouldn't be Eunji."

Taehyung nodded and told him to take care of himself.

Without the two children, the house was rather lonely. Taehyung was unexpectedly a little unaccustomed to it.

At the end of summer vacation, Jungkook and Eunji returned.

However, there were dramatic changes with both of them——Jungkook's height finally surpassed Taehyung's. His sinew and flesh became more rugged and a cold air emitted from his entire body. Eunji had changed from a little princess into a small migrant worker, both dark and thin. Upon seeing Taehyung, the first thing she said was: "Dad, I want to study for the rise of Korea!"

Taehyung: "......" Okay, this result was very good. 

Evidently, Eunji had received serious stimulation from the debt collection company during summer vacation.

On the first day of her return home, she said that she liked studying and that studying made her happy. She was already engrossed with studying and was unable to extricate herself from it......

Taehyung thought that she was joking at first. As a result, he found out later that Eunji was being serious.

If it was before, Eunji would definitely find a few friends to play with in the evening. But today was different. She hastily ate her dinner and then quickly returned to her room.

When Taehyung went to see her after nine, he found that she was still reading by using her lamplight. Taehyung: "......Eunji?"

Eunji opened the door for Taehyung, her expression calm, "Daddy, do you need something?"

Taehyung said, "After coming back you're not going to chat with Dad?"

Eunji said, "Dad! I know that you've worked hard. I will definitely be obedient and behave in the future." An ardent smile brimmed on her both dark and thin face.

Taehyung: "......" Daughter, what's wrong with you? What in the world did those people do to you?

Eunji said, "Is there anything else? If not, I'll continue reading."

Taehyung was silent for a moment before he asked tentatively, "Eunji, are you angry with Dad?"

"Angry?" Eunji looked confused. "No."

Taehyung: "......."

Eunji was silent for a while then suddenly saw the light. "Dad, I really do want to study well and am not angry with you. I learned a lot of things this summer vacation. I had lived too easy and comfortably before! This sort of life is the greatest corrosion to the human spirit!"

And so Taehyung did not know what to say to Eunji. Her expression was very serious and earnest. She was a completely different person from that naive and cute little princess. 

Taehyung was battered out of his senses. He already felt like that fair and tender little girl who liked to act spoiled had already gone far away from him.

Jungkook also underwent a tremendous change.

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