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"Sir, sir." There was a low voice calling Kim Taehyung.

Kim Taehyung opened his eyes and found that he was sitting on a mahogany chair. He said softly, "Speak."

The voice continued, "The little miss has been found, on a construction site."

Kim Taehyung's mind spun extremely quickly as his mouth responded. He asked, "Construction site?"

The voice seemed somewhat hesitant but still told Taehyung the truth. He said, "The little, the little miss..... seems to have fallen in love."

Taehyung closed his eyes again, "I know, you withdraw."

"Yes." The voice seemed to be full of reverence Taehyung. After hearing Taehyung telling him to withdraw, he rapidly stood up and walked out, softly and quietly closing the door behind him.

Once the person left and shut the door, Taehyung got up from his chair and headed towards the washroom.

Reflected on the mirror of the washroom was a beautiful man's face. However, this kind of beauty wasn't feminine at all. Especially when the pair of red phoenix eyes glanced to the side, giving people a chill down their back.

Kim Taehyung was a well-known underworld Godfather. Taehyung's father built up his family with a hacking knife. He became a big shot that was second to none after continuously making achievements since he was a little colt boy. It wasn't known if it was because he had killed and done too many evil deeds, but he had no child even at the age of 40. It wasn't until he was about 51 or 52 that he gained Kim Taehyung as his son.

As the only son, Taehyung was especially determined to not fall short. He wasn't only clever but had ruthless means, which were completely suitable for this line of work.

Yet when all was said and done, his father unexpectedly didn't want to let his son walk onto such a path and began to clean the foundation he had created.

There was a saying in the underworld, 'when you want to withdraw, then it means you are old and aren't far from death.'

Father Kim's enemies were much too many and he was eventually murdered.

Thus Kim Taehyung, who was only seventeen, took over the Kim family which had become a mess after Father Kim's death.

At the time, everyone wanted to see Taehyung make a fool of himself and see the Kim family get swallowed up by the outsiders who were eyeing the business. The seventeen-year-old Taehyung, however, used thunderous means to suppress the parties that were beginning to stir.

He had a beautiful face, but he didn't like to smile. When his red phoenix eyes shot cold glances at people it softened the legs and feet of many who held their hacking knives ready to riot.

Kim Taehyung was both like and not like his father. He inherited Father Kim's cruelty, but also read more and knew more means than his father. He took over the business and continued to wash the family white. This was Kim Taehyung's background, and his daughter, Kim Eunji was the most important person in his life.

Taehyung was different from his father who painstakingly worked and trembled with fear to only have a child after fifty. He had his own child at the age of fourteen. When that woman came to his door with Taehyung's child in her arms, Father Kim was extremely happy and didn't have the normal reaction of a parent: 'Having a child at this age, this boss is going to beat you to death. Rather, he jovially gave the woman a sum of money and took his granddaughter home, raising her like a treasure.

As Taehyung's daughter, she should have grown up without a single worry, but against reason, she fell in love with someone she shouldn't have. Now Taehyung was at was the time where he discovered that his precious daughter and that good-for-nothing had intermingled.

"Sir." When the person waiting outside the door saw Taehyung coming out, they greeted him with reverence.

"Prepare the car." Taehyung's expression was indifferent. "Take me to the construction site to take a look."

"Yes." The man complied without delay.

The car was prepared quickly and Taehyung sat in the back. It was at the height of summer right now. The sunshine was unpleasant to the eyes and the unceasing calls of the cicadas gave people migraines.

Soft music sounded in the car. Twenty minutes later, Taehyung's car stopped outside the construction site. The construction workers were still working under the sun. Taehyung got out of the car and someone opened a black umbrella for him.

Taehyung ran his eyes over the construction site and saw that a good deal of workers seemed rather young and appeared to not be of age yet. Taehyung asked, "Whose project is this?"

A younger brother answered softly, "The Lee Family's."

Taehyung smiled spuriously and said, "Their family sure can save money." So many child labourers had been hired, were they not afraid of being found out.

Taehyung said, "Where is Eunji."

The younger brother pointed to a small grove over yonder. Taehyung glanced at it and walked over.

Eunji was currently holding a bag of popsicles. She wiped away her sweat as she hummed a song. When she thought of the appearance of the man when he eats the popsicle, she couldn't help but smile.

The sun was so large that the light was somewhat harsh. Eunji, who was walking with her head lowered suddenly saw a dark shadow. She was stunned and when she looked up, her whole body froze.

"Dad." Seeing the man before her, Eunji wanted to smile but couldn't quite do so, therefore she could only pull out a very strange expression.

Taehyung looked at Eunji, then pulled out a handkerchief from a pocket in his jacket and gently wiped Eunji's sweat off. He asked, "Is it hot?"

Eunji quickly said, "It's still okay, it's still okay."

Taehyung said, "Your teacher called me again and said you skipped class again."

Eunji gave an embarrassed laugh. Her father doted on her since she was young but with the doting came an unswayable control. Every time she made a friend, they would be investigated thoroughly by her father——even though this put an end to many people who harboured malicious intentions, Eunji found things extremely boring.

Taehyung said, "The popsicle is going to melt."

Eunji was given a fright. She didn't know what she was thinking either, but she actually took one out from her bag and handed it over to Taehyung with a trembling hand. She said, "Dad, eat it?"

Taehyung looked at Eunji's fearful appearance and slowly reached out and under Eunji's staring eyes, took the popsicle and tore open the package.

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