Saving Stephen Strange

Start from the beginning

Obsidian looks around in confusion as he appears to be in the Himalayas. He runs towards the portal, but Wong closes it and ends up chopping off Obsidian's hand.

Bruce sees the hand on the ground.

Bruce: Ugh!

Tony gets up and looks at Wong.

Tony: Wong, you're invited to my wedding.

He flies away, and AJ follows. They are on the way to help you.

You keep holding on, but Ebony Maw uses his powers to rip the streetlight from the pavement. You start getting beamed up with Strange.

Tony keeps flying up. He speaks to AJ through his comms.

Tony: I got it, Morales.

The ship is thousands of feet in the air, closer to where Earth's atmosphere ends. AJ can't keep going, and lands on a rooftop looking at Tony flying up.

AJ: Shit...

Strange goes through an opening, but the shutter quickly closes. You leap up and stick to the side of the doughnut-looking ship. It keeps ascending, and sooner of later it was going to enter space.

Tony activates his extra thrusters and shoots further up into the sky. He looks on and sees you on the side of the ship. He knows that the air supply was going to be a problem.

Tony: Friday, unlock unit 17:A.

Back at the Avengers compound, a storage container opens and a rocket shoots out and flies up into the sky.

You keep climbing. You start feeling a little whoozy, you should've thought this through.

Tony: Y/N! You're too high up! You're running out of air.

You try grasping for air.

You: Yeah...I can feel that.

Your vision starts to get blurry, and you ultimately pass out. You begin to fall, but the rocket makes it to the scene and detaches from the package.

The spider-shaped nanotech symbol sticks to your back, and the bots start engulfing your body. You wake up and come to your senses, landing on a platform of the ship. You take a deep breath, and stand straight up in your new suit.

You: Damn, Tony

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You: Damn, Tony. I can't believe you still kept this in storage.

This was a suit idea that you and Tony worked together in developing. It went unfinished, or so you thought. Tony ended up completing it.

Tony: Consider it a belated birthday gift. Now let's get inside.

Tony glides up and starts cutting into a hatch using a laser. He gets in, and you climb through as well. You start getting a message from AJ back on Earth.

AJ: Y/N? Are you guys okay?

Tony calls Pepper as well, and walks away to talk to her. You continue with the conversation.

You: We're fine. We just have to save the wizard and find a way back to ground.

AJ: You're in space? Fuck, man.

You: AJ, I'm gonna need you to handle things back there...and I'm going to need you to do something.

AJ: What is it?

You: Go to the compound. Talk with Rhodey...and try to call Rogers.

AJ nods on the other end.

AJ: I'm on it.

You: Stay safe.

AJ: You too, Y/N.

You both hang up. Tony looks back at you.

Tony: Everything fine?


Tony: Pepper's not fond about that fact that I'm in space...but when am I ever not doing something stupid?

Tony sighs, then adds another thing.

Tony: Let's get moving and save the doc.

• •

Doctor Strange is surrounded by mystic shards, all close to his face. Ebony Maw faces him and begins to threaten him, saying that he will do whatever it takes to get the Time Stone from him before rendezvousing with Thanos on the planet Titan. The shards start to get closer, and pierce Stephen's skin.

You and Tony look down from a platform, seeing what is unfolding.

Tony: We surely got a situation...

Suddenly, Strange's cloak appears behind Tony and startles the two of you.

Tony: are one loyal piece of outerwear.

You retract your mask and keep on looking. Tony notices you in your thoughts.

Tony: You got a plan??

You look around the room, and then examine the walls. You remember seeing a movie a couple nights ago.

You: Okay...this might sound weird. But did you ever see the movie Aliens?

• •

Below, Strange screams in agony as the shards stab into his face. Even though he felt tremendous pain, he wasn't going to give up the stone. Ebony hears a thud, and turns around to see Tony. Iron Man charges his gauntlets.

Ebony: I could end your friend's life in an instant.

Tony: I gotta tell you, he's not really my friend. Saving his life is more of a professional courtesy.

Ebony starts lifting a large metal block with his telekinesis.

Ebony: You've saved nothing. Your powers are inconsequential compared to mine.

Tony: Yeah, but the web-head's seen more movies.

Tony deploys a launcher from his shoulder and shoots a rocket at the wall nearby. It creates a hole, and the vacuum of space pulls Ebony out of the ship to his death.

Strange is also pulled out, and his cloak flies over to try and catch him. It isn't able to, but you quickly swing down and perch yourself on a wall. You shoot a web-line at Strange, and start pulling as hard as you can until you are able to get Strange back inside. Tony flies over and closes up the hole using a nitrogen spray from his hands.

You land on the ground near the Cloak of Levitation. You look at it.

You: It was a nice try, but good job. Pound it.

You extend a fist, and the cloak looks at it. It simply flies away towards Strange. You give yourself a fist-bump.

You: Okay...that's cool.

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