Steve: Go now.

Wanda: What?

Steve: He's not hitting the police.

Sam taps you on the shoulder.

Sam: Keep up, web-head.

He jumps off the building and deploys his wings, flying away and towards the truck. You leap off too, and initiate your swing.


• •

The garbage truck crashes through the entrance of the lot as debris flies everywhere. More vehicles show up and mercenaries exit them holding rifles. They shoot the security guards down as the final truck rolls up.

Crossbones opens up the back of the truck and jumps out, wearing his helmet and armor. He starts commanding his men. They go up to the building and throw gas grenades through the window to incapacitate the remaining occupants inside. They then put on their gas masks.

Crossbones goes inside with his team while some others stand guard outside. They hear a noise above, as if a jet was flying by. It's the Falcon, who drops off Captain America. Steve kicks the gunmen down and quickly tosses his shield at another. He retrieves it and blocks incoming fire with it before throwing the shield back at another gunmen. He takes down a couple more mercenaries and gets on top of a truck.

Steve: Body armor. AR-15s. I make seven hostiles.

Nearby, the Falcon flies by three gunmen shooting at him on a rooftop. He takes two of them down with a kick, and quickly shoots the last one with his sub machine gun.

Sam: I make five.

Wanda glides down in the area and deflects gunfire using her force-field. She uses her powers to lift the soldier up and calls out.

Wanda: Sam.

He flies towards the soldier and kicks him down. Sam lands back on the ground and corrects the count.

Sam: Four.

You swing down and land near the team. You look around at the defeated soldiers.

You: Looks like y'all had it covered.

Sam: I said keep up.

You look up at the building and toggle your lenses to scan the inside of the building. You see heat signatures on the third floor.

You: I got hostiles on the third floor.

Steve: Spider-Man and I are going in.

He turns to Wanda.

Steve: Wanda, just like we practiced.

Wanda: What about the gas?

Because of you and Steve's superhuman metabolism and immune system, you were both immune to the toxic gas.

You: Not a problem for us, but still clear it out.

She nods, and uses her magic to lift Steve into the third floor window. You web-zip up and follow him.

Spider-Man Male Reader x The Walking Dead GameWhere stories live. Discover now