We Got Some Hitters

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Steve: The rules have changed.

Tony: We're dealing with something new.

Steve: Oh, the Vision is artificial intelligence.

You: A machine.

Steve: So, it doesn't count?

You: No, it's not like a person lifting the hammer.

Steve: Right, different rules for us.

Tony: Nice guy. Artificial.

You: Thank you.

Thor: He can wield the hammer, he can keep the Mind Stone. It's safe with the Vision. And in these days, safe is in short supply

Steve starts thinking of Mjölnir again.

Steve: But if you put the hammer in an elevator...

Tony: It would still go up.

Steve: Elevator's not worthy.

Thor pats Tony on the back.

Thor: I'm going to miss these little talks of ours.

You look at Thor

You: Not if you don't leave.

Thor: I have no choice. The Mind Stone is the fourth of the Infinity Stones to show up in the last few years. It's not a coincidence.

The four of you walked out into the lawn of the facility as Thor continues explaining.

Thor: Someone has been playing an intricate game and has made pawns of us. And once all these pieces are in position...

Tony: Triple Yahtzee?

Steve turns to Thor

Steve: You think you can find out what's coming?

Thor: I do.

Thor turns to Tony and slapped him on the chest.

Thor: Besides this one. There's nothing that can't be explained.

You: I can agree with that.

Thor gives a nod.

Thor: Farewell, brothers.

He lifts his hammer to activate the bifrost, transporting him out of Earth. Tony looks down at the singed grass on the lawn and shakes his head.

Tony: That man has no regard for lawn maintenance.

The three of you start walking away.

Tony: I'm gonna miss him, though.

He then looks at you and Steve.

Tony: And you're both gonna miss me. There's gonna be a lot of manful tears.

Tony calls over his exotic car which parks in front of him.

You: We're gonna miss you, Tony. We all will.

Tony: Yeah? Well, it's time for me to tap out. Maybe I should take a page out of Dixon's book. Build Pepper a farm, hope nobody blows it up

Steve: The simple life.

Tony starts to think. Steve didn't really have the life, and didn't get to live it in the past either.

Tony: You'll get there one day.

Steve: I don't know. Family, stability...the guy who wanted all that went in the ice 75 years ago.

He pauses for a moment.

Steve: I think someone else came out.

Tony nods and opens the door to his car. He looks at Steve before getting in.

Tony: You all right?

Steve looks over at the people doing their training exercises. He also thinks of the team he has right now, his friends, and the mission he follows.

Steve: I'm home.

Tony smiles, and gives a nod to the both of you. He gets into his car and lowers the window to speak to you.

Tony: Just wait, Y/N. I'm going to give Ben his own Iron Man costume on Christmas. The favorite hero battle continues.

He puts his sunglasses on and drives away, leaving you laughing to yourself. You look over at Steve who still looks on at the facility.

You: You good, Cap?

Steve: Yeah...I am.

He puts a hand on you shoulder.

Steve: Let's go meet the new team.

• •

Andrea stands in the empty room, lookin at the wall ahead. She thinks of Bruce Banner, and wonders where he fled to. He saved her back in Sokovia, and even talked about running away together after they dealt with Ultron. He just left though, and a part of her thinks Bruce is still feels shame about his Hulk counterpart.

You and Steve walk in and see her standing alone.

Steve: You want to keep staring at the wall or do you want to get to work?

You: I gotta say, Steve. It's a pretty interesting wall.

Andrea rolls her eyes as she walks towards the both of you.

Andrea: I thought you and Tony were still gazing in each other's eyes.

You turn to Steve, who in turn looks at you.

You: I think she's referring to you.

Steve: No, it's definitely you.

Andrea: Anyways, how do we look?

You hand Andrea a tablet as the three of you walk out of the room and into a hallway. She looks at it, displaying the roster of the New Avengers.

Steve: Well, we're not the '27 Yankees.

Andrea: We got some hitters.

You: I'd say '69 Mets. You know, the Miracle Mets?

Steve: I've heard about them.

You: This roster is good, but not a team.

Andrea: Let's beat them into shape.

You all walk into the open training area of the facility. You, Captain America, and Black Widow stand on the platform overlooking the room.

James Rhodes, the War Machine, opens up the faceplate of his helmet and looks on.

The Vision turns around, in his caped form, and looks up at the team leaders.

Sam Wilson, the Falcon, glides in and lands on a pad. He retracts his wings and smiles.

Wanda Maximoff uses her magic and hovers over to her landing space.

You, Steve, and Andrea look at the new recruits. You smile, and know you're looking at a team who has the potential to be a symbol of hope and heroism.

Steve looks at you, and you know what he wants to you to do. But you think it'd be better coming from him.

You: You do the honors, Captain.

Steve nods and looks back the team below. He stands tall as he calls out.

Steve: Avengers...

• •

Thank you all for reading Volume 8! So far, I have around 45k reads, and I enjoy seeing your constant feedback and support. I appreciate every one of you.

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