Battle in Seoul

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You shoot an electric web at Ultron, who grimaces from the shock. He quickly recovers though, and shoots more beams from his hands. You dodge them as Steve tosses his shield at him.

You flip and dodge each of his blasts. Steve tosses his shield again which impales Ultron's chest. He snarls.

Ultron: Stop it!

He pulls the shield out from his chest and tosses it aside. He shoots a beam at the unguarded Cap and knocks him back.

You web-zip towards Ultron and grab onto him. You punch him in the face, but Ultron grabs your arm before you can hit him another time.

Ultron: I'm the greatest foe you've ever faced. I'm no man in costume. No symbiotic tool. I have no weakness.

You: Yet, you're monologuing.

You free yourself a bit to shoot Ultron with another electric web. He throws you back, but Steve gets back up and engages into a fight with the robot.

Ultron grabs Steve by the neck and dangles him over the side. Below, Andrea rides a motorcycle and has Steve's shield. He tosses it to him, in which Steve hits Ultron's face with it.

Ultron growls and punches Steve. He then tosses him off the truck, where he lands on the windshield of a car. The truck keeps going.

You: Steve!

Ultron turns to you. You ball your fists.

You: That was kind of rude. I see Tony forgot to install the manners program.

Ultron swings but you evade the attack. The two of you continue fighting until the robot grabs you. He leaps off the truck and the two of you crash through the side of a train car. Occupants within scream and try to run out.

You get back up and engage Ultron again, who simply shoots a beam at you and knocks you back. Andrea speaks to you through the comms.

Andrea: I'm going after the Cradle. Can you keep him occupied?

You get back up.

You: What do you think I've been doing?

Ultron raises an arm to shoot again, but Cap's shield crashes though the window and hits him. It bounces off the wall and goes towards you, in which you grab it. Steve follows the train on motorcycle, and leaps off of it into the train.

Steve: Can't get rid of me that easily.

You hand him back the shield, which he straps back onto his arm.

Ultron: I just didn't try hard enough.

Ultron shoots another beam but Steve deflects it and charges at Ultron. The two begin fighting once more and you join in after. Ultron pushes Steve away and grabs you neck, pinning you to the wall.

Suddenly, a blur dashes by and pushes Ultron, freeing you. Ultron looks around, and crimson energy causes the seats to bend in his direction.

Wanda and Pietro Maximoff come to assist. The robot looks back at the girl.

Ultron: Please, don't do this.

Wanda: What choice do we have?

Ultron scowls and quickly turns back to shoot at Pietro. He dashes away, causing the beam to shoot into the front train car. The conductor gets incapacitated and the control panel gets disabled.

Ultron knows what's going to happen, and engages his thrusters to fly out of the moving train. He leaves you, Steve, Pietro, and Wanda to deal with the train.

Steve: We lost him!

You run over to the front train car and check on the conductor. You then look out the window and see the train speeding towards a barrier at the end of the track.

You got some major deja vu.

You: Shit...

You look back at Steve.

You: We got a problem.

Steve: What can we do?

You: I'd try to stop it myself...but there's no buildings to hold my web lines.

Steve heard the story before and nods, he looks back at the Maximoff twins.

Steve: There's civilians in our path.

Pietro nods, and dashes out of the train. Steve speaks to Wanda next.

Steve: Can you stop this thing?

She gives a simple nod as well.

The train crashes through the barrier and starts speeding through the street market. Pietro uses his super-speed to move civilians out of the way, and Wanda uses her psionic powers to stop the wheels of the train.

You and Steve brace as the twins do their work. The train gets to a complete stop, and you all leave the car. You help some civilians out of the train while the twins catch their breaths nearby.

Pietro: I'm fine...I just need to take a minute.

Steve walks up to the twins, you follow.

Steve: I'm very tempted not to give you one.

You put your hands on your waist and take a breath too.

You: Road runner has a point. I need a couple minutes myself.

Wanda looks at Steve.

Wanda: The Cradle. Did you get it?

Steve: Stark will take care of it.

Wanda's expression changes, showing sorry.

Wanda: No, he won't.

You: What do you mean?

Wanda: He will do anything to make things right. You've worked with should know.

You study her face, and understand her concern. You look at Steve, who gives the same look of understand. You nod, and try to phone Tony on comms.

You: Tony, come in. Tony? Anyone on comms?

There was no response.

Wanda: Ultron can't tell the difference between saving the world and destroying it. Where do you think he gets that?

You rub your face. You understand what's she's getting at.

You: Damn it...

Spider-Man Male Reader x The Walking Dead GameOnde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora