The doors fully close, but Hulk punches it and makes a dent. The group start their decent to the ground floor.

You: Poor guy.

The team make it down. You, Tony, Thor, and a couple agents transport Loki and the Tesseract. They walk through the lobby, but are stopped by a group of suited men.

One of them is Alexander Pierce, the Secretary of Defense who is affiliated with S.H.I.E.L.D.

Pierce: May I ask you where you're going?

Thor: Bit of lunch and then Asgard.

You: I'm sorry, and you are...?

Tony: Alexander Pierce. He's the man above the folks...behind Nick Fury.

You: Oh.

Pierce: My friends call me Mr. Secretary, Mr. L/N.

You scoff. You are still in your spider-suit.

You: What's the point of a secret identity?

Tony: I mean...they are S.H.I.E.L.D.

Pierce looks at Loki.

Pierce: I'm gonna have to ask you to turn that prisoner over to me.

Thor: Uh, Loki will be answering to Odin himself.

Pierce: No, he's going to answer to us. Odin can have what's left. And I'm gonna need that case. That's been S.H.I.E.L.D property for over 70 years.

An agent tries to take the case from Tony, but he keeps it away.

Tony: I'm not going to argue who's got the higher authority which it's me. The guy who kept this city from becoming Chernobyl.

Pierce: I need the case.

You decide to back up Tony.

You: I know you got a lot of pull, but ain't there some sort of jurisdiction—

Pierce: Just give me the case.

Tony: He's right, you know. Jurisdictions...

Pierce grabs Tony's arm, but you quickly grab onto the Secretary's wrist and pull it away. The agents behind him start resting their hands at their holsters.

Tony: Woah! Woah! Everybody calm down.

He tries to ease the situation, also appreciating how you were backing him up. Thor chooses to speak after you let go of Alexander Pierce.

Thor: You don't understand the capabilities of this Cube. We've seen the destruction it can cause. This is going back to where it belongs...away from here. Asgard.

You look at Loki before turning back to the agents.

You: Besides, what are you going to do with him? Experiment on him?

Tony: I wouldn't mind that.

Mr. Secretary puts his hands on his waist, and nods.

Now was not the time.

Pierce: Okay. Do what you will with them. But don't let them get in the wrong hands.

He walks away with his men. You look at Tony.

You: Ain't he a jolly good fellow?

Tony laughs, patting you on the back. The group then walks out of the building.

• •

The Avengers were in the restaurant. They sat at the lone table, surrounded by debris caused by the battle. You were surprised there were still employees at the shawarma place willing to cook for the heroes.

You sat in between Tony and Thor. Bruce, in his normal form, sat on Daryl's right while Andrea was on his left. Steve sat on Thor's right, resting his head on his hand as he ate his food. Nearby, an old woman who worked at the shop was sweeping up rubble.

They sat in silence for some time, until you decide to break it. You wipe your hands with a napkin and speak with your mask lifted halfway, only exposing your mouth.

You: Not bad for my first time. Trying shawarma I mean.

Tony sighs, an arm spread across his seat.

Tony: I should've said chicken wings.

Thor: Does this place have beer?

Andrea: I think their tap got destroyed.

Thor grumbles and takes another bite of food.

Thor: I would've preferred a pub.

He looks at you.

Thor: Any pubs you know of, Man of Spiders?

You: I'd be surprised if any are running right now, considering the fact aliens almost took over the world.

You get a text, and you take out your phone. It's from Clementine. You start typing away.

Steve: Is that the missus?

Tony looked at your phone.

Tony: Wait...where did you even keep that?

You ignore the billionaire's question.

You: It's my girlfriend. She wanted to know how I'm doing. We had a kid a few months ago.

Steve: Congratulations.

You nod in thanks, then suddenly you all hear a thud outside. A man in silver armor walks into the restaurant, similar to Iron Man. He lifts his face plate and Tony realizes it's his friend James Rhodes.

Rhodey: Tony? I'm here to help.

His friend chuckles.

Tony:'re kinda late.

Rhodey: Hong Kong's pretty far, Tones. Besides, you need to upgrade the thrusters on this suit. They're two packs of ass.

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