Loki: I am Loki, of Asgard, and I am burdened with glorious purpose.

Erik Selvig gets up after checking the pulse of an unconscious scientist upon hearing the Asgardian.

Erik: Loki, brother of Thor.

Jesus: We have no quarrel with your people.

Loki: An ant has no quarrel with a boot.

Jesus: Are you planning to step on us?

Loki begins to walk towards Dr. Selvig.

Loki: I come with glad tidings...of a world made free.

Jesus: Free from what?

Loki: Freedom. Freedom is life's great lie. Once you accept that, in your heart...

Loki then places the tip of his scepter at the scientist's chest, putting him under mind control as well.

Loki: ...you will know peace.

Jesus: Yeah, you say peace, I kind of think you mean the other thing.

Daryl starts to speak while walking over to Loki.

Daryl: Sir, Director Rovia is stalling. This place is about to blow and drop a hundred feet of rock on us. He means to bury us.

Jesus: Like the pharaohs of old.

Dr. Selvig confirms Daryl's statement and informs them that the portal is collapsing on itself. Loki looks at Daryl.

Loki: Well, then.

Daryl quickly unholsters his pistol and shoots Jesus in the chest. With a grunt, he falls back on the floor and drops the briefcase. Loki and his mind-controlled minions then begin walking out of the lab with it.

Moments later, Jesus slowly gets up and grimaces in pain. He pulls out his radio.

Jesus: Hill? Do you copy?

Jesus pulls out the bullet lodged in his kevlar vest as he continues.

Jesus: Dixon has turned.

Jesus starts to run out of the lab, knowing it's going to collapse. He speaks into his radio once more.

Jesus: They have the Tesseract! Shut them down!

Agents chase after Loki in their vehicles. Daryl tries to maneuver through the tunnels away from the agents as Loki shoots at his pursuers with his scepter.

After many agents perish while chasing after Loki, Maria Hill shows up and tries to chase after them as well. He shoots at the car, but Daryl continues to drive.

Meanwhile, Jesus makes it out of the underground lab and runs towards a helicopter about to depart. He hears his agent speak through the radio.

Aaron: We're clear upstairs, sir. You need to go.

Jesus quickly enters the helicopter and the pilot begins ascending. The ground below begins to crack.

The portal underground in the lab explodes, shooting out a massive wave of energy.

Jesus looks down below as sees the facility begin to collapse into a large crater.

The tunnels behind to collapse as well

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The tunnels behind to collapse as well. While in pursuit, a slab of concrete drops in front of Maria's Jeep before she can reach the exit. She crashes into it, and Loki's car continues on.

As they drive down the road, Jesus's helicopter flies by above their jeep. Daryl quickly goes off road, but the helicopter continues to follow until it gets in front of them.

Jesus pulls back the door and fires his pistol at them. Loki swiftly shoots the tail of the helicopter with his scepter and causes it to spiral down.

Jesus leaps out of the helicopter before it crashes down. He rolls over and quickly gets on one knee so he can continue shooting at their vehicle.

Loki and his minions drive down the dirt road going deeper into the desert. Jesus gets up and takes a breath.

Aaron: Director? Director Rovia, do you copy?

Jesus gets his radio and speaks into it.

Jesus: The Tesseract is with a hostile force. I have men down. Hill?

Maria speaks through her radio as well.

Maria: A lot of men still under. I don't know how many survivors.

Jesus: Sound a general call. I want every living soul not working rescue looking for that briefcase.

Maria: Roger that.

Jesus: Coulson, get back to base. This is a Level Seven. As of right now, we are at war.

Aaron: What do we do?

Jesus holds his radio close to his face and looks off into the desert.

It was time to enact his plan.

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