Andrea: Dixon! The gun!

Daryl looks at the rifle near him and tosses it high in the air. Andrea leaps off the railing and grabs the rifle, quickly shooting down two more goons before rolling over on the floor.

AJ turns to you.

AJ: Now that was badass.

The four of you take down the remaining reinforcements. You all stand in the middle of the facility, both unconscious and dead bodies surrounding you.

AJ: Looks like we did it.

Daryl: You got that right, kid.

You look over at Daryl upon hearing his voice. You see his face, and you remember seeing it before. He was Taskmaster. Daryl realizes you're looking at him, but doesn't say anything. You keep quiet as well, at least he was helping you and AJ this time.

• •

S.H.I.E.L.D agents arrived at the scene first. The FBI arrived later, but were only informed about the New Frontier being taken down. They weren't told about the Winter Soldier.

Agent Aaron walks up to the four of you. You were mostly talking with AJ while Hawkeye and Black Widow talked amongst themselves.

Aaron: Dixon. Romanoff. Great job.

He made sure to look at you and AJ too right after his compliment.

Aaron: L/N. Morales. Great work as well.

AJ: Please, call us the

Aaron laughs.

Aaron: No.

He looks back at the authorities behind him.

Aaron: New Frontier has been taken down. That's one branch of HYDRA terminated.

AJ: many are there?

Aaron shakes his head.

Aaron: We don't know.

He turns to the two operatives.

Aaron: We should get going, agents.

You look at the three of them.

You: Thanks for everything. Hope we can see each other again soon.

Andrea smirks.

Andrea: That might be sooner than you think.

They walk off as you and AJ stay back. AJ crosses his arms.

AJ: Man, she's hot.

You laugh and nudge his shoulder.

You: Come on, AJ. Let's get going.

• •

You swing back to the hospital. You climb through the window, and see Clementine in the room scrolling through her phone. She looks up, and is happy to see you.

You: Hey. Nurses come by yet?

She wraps her hands around your neck and kisses you.

Clementine: Not yet. I don't think they care about you.

You: Haha.

You take off your spider-suit and put your hospital gown back on. You hide the suit, and lay back down on the bed. You were sore from your fight earlier, so it would make it somewhat believable if the nurses were to show up.

Clementine sits back down on the chair near the bed.

Clementine: Everything went well?

You: Yeah, it did actually. The New Frontier is officially terminated.

You omit the fact of the Winter Soldier escaping. You don't want her to worry anymore.

You take a glance at the television in the corner, then back at your girlfriend. You remember she wanted to tell you something.

You: What was it you wanted to tell me?

Clementine holds your hand and runs her thumb over the back of it. She smiles.

Clementine: Don't freak out.

You: Oh please, I've seen Dr. Connors turn into a lizard.

Clementine laughs, then takes a breath.

Clementine: I'm pregnant.

You stare for a moment, trying to process the revelation. You feel a rush of elation go through your body. You are going to be a father.

The door opens suddenly, and a nurse drops by. She's surprised to see you awake.

Nurse: Oh my! You're awake.

She yells out to the doctors down the hallway.

Nurse: Doctor! Doctor!

Spider-Man Male Reader x The Walking Dead GameWhere stories live. Discover now