Agent of S.H.I.E.L.D

Start from the beginning

Bad idea though. Unaware that the goon was behind him, AJ didn't roll with the punch. The goon ends up breaking his hand and falls onto the ground in pain. AJ throws the man he's holding aside, knocking him out. He goes over to the last goon on the ground, and grabs his collar. He sees a brand on his neck, the same one as the New Frontier.

It is same organization his father's killer, Vince Li, was in. If they can get a guy like Mister Negative to join the organization, then maybe they have something to do with the mysterious mercenary.

AJ: That could use some ice. Tell me about the New Frontier and I'll bring you some.

Goon 1: I ain't with them anymore. I just lead a crew to rob jewelry stores.

AJ: Seems like you still use their resources though. Those explosives you used are next level.

Goon 1: Yeah, so what? Most of those are made from outside funding anyway.

AJ: Funding? From where?

The goon laughs, not wanting to talk anymore. AJ grabs his other wrist and starts squeezing.

Goon 1: Argh! Alright!

AJ listens in.

Goon 1: It's worldwide. They call themselves HYDRA. Joan is just a pawn of theirs.

AJ then hears police sirens nearby. He would ask more questions, but he needed to leave the scene.

AJ: You should let them know about your hand before they cuff you. See ya.


He swings away.

• •


Ava wondered why Agent Aaron Coulson was still in the city. What surprised her as well was the fact that there was no media coverage on the death of Spider-Man. She figures they would've figured out that you were Spider-Man and covered it in the media.

In her mind, this only meant one thing: the job wasn't finished. You are still alive.

Ava used the S.H.I.E.L.D database to find out herself. On your profile, it wasn't labeled K.I.A or M.I.A, so it confirms that you are still alive. Upon further research, Ava found out you were at Mount Sinai Hospital. She wasn't going to inform Joan yet, and decides to go do the job herself.

Ava goes to the hospital and enters the lobby. The clerk is busy with other visitors, so she sneaks by and enters the elevator. She enters the fourth floor, walking by people as they notice the agent. She nears the door, having a hand by her gun. Suddenly, Agent Aaron makes a left into the corridor holding a coffee. He sees Ava.

Aaron: Ava? You're still in New York? People have been asking about you.

Ava eases her hand off her holster and faces Aaron.

Ava: I've been laying low. I think whoever attacked the venue will strike again.

Aaron raises a brow. He gets closer to Ava.

Aaron: You know about Y/N? Jesus give you the rundown?

Ava: He did. I'm here to check on him.

Ava puts a hand on the doorknob, but Aaron grabs her arm. Ava stares blankly at the door.

Aaron: I got that covered. You should get back to base.

Ava: I can't. What if HYDRA finds out we're connected to the Spider-Man situation?

Aaron gives a look, still holding his coffee.

Aaron: HYDRA? That's above your clearance, how do you know about that?

Ava doesn't hesitate, and quickly unholsters her pistol and tries to raise it at Aaron. He grabs her hand, dropping his drink. Ava misses Aaron's head and shoots behind him. Doctors and nurses get startled and begin leaving the area. Patients and visitors lock their doors.

Aaron parrys several of Ava's punches. She kicks him in the groin, bringing his guard down and pushing him away. Ava raises her pistol again and fires. Aaron quickly gets behind a wall for cover as she continues shooting. Aaron takes out his pistol and peeks out to fire as well. Ava gets behind a wall too.

She takes out a flash grenade and tosses it at Aaron. He notices this, and quickly shields his eyes as it goes off. Ava gets out of cover and runs into your room.

There are no visitors, and it's just you in the room. Ava raises the gun, but is swiftly tackled by Aaron. They crash into the table and Ava drops her gun. They fight on the ground, with Ava getting on top of him and punching Aaron twice in the face. Ava leaps towards her gun, but Aaron quickly jumps and grabs her from behind.

They struggle on the floor as Aaron puts her in a headlock. Ava tries to reach for her gun.

Aaron: Stand down!

Ava doesn't listen, and is trying to escape his hold and grab the gun to shoot Aaron. He wants to subdue her so they can arrest the double agent and handle it in a civil manner, but she's making it hard.

Ava struggles to get out of Aaron's grasp, but is close to grabbing the gun. Aaron knows she'll be able to grab the gun soon. If she kills him, she will kill you next. He has to stop her.

Aaron tightens the grip on the chokehold and jerks Ava's head to the right quickly, snapping her neck. Her body goes limp, and Aaron let's go of the hold. He takes a breath, slowly getting up.

Some authorities rush into the room with guns drawn. Among these people are Brody and Jimmy. Jimmy seems to recognize Aaron, as he was in S.H.I.E.L.D a couple years ago.

Agent Woo: Hold your fire. Guns down.

Aaron gets up and gives an exhausted nod at Jimmy. Brody looks at her partner.

Brody: What is this, Woo?

Aaron decides to answer for him.

Aaron: I'm Agent Aaron Coulson...of S.H.I.E.L.D.

He looks down at Ava's body.

Aaron: I just saved Y/N's life.

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