AJ's eyes widen. He gets nervous.

AJ: No! What makes you say that?

Aaron: We've been trying to find out who Spider-Man is for the last couple years. Once we found out, it wasn't hard to figure you out too, Mr. Morales.

AJ: Well then.

Aaron: Don't worry, only my boss and I know. In the case of Y/N, we think somebody found out too.

AJ: What do you mean?

Aaron sighs.

Aaron: Whoever attacked the venue must've figured out Y/N is Spider-Man. So if the perpetrator finds out the job wasn't finished...

AJ: They'll come and kill him here.

Aaron nods.

Aaron: I'm here to make sure that doesn't happen.

• •

{May 2004}


You let go off the web and drop onto the fleeing car. The drug dealers are startled by your sudden arrival.

You: Drug dealing is a top three worst crime for me...or is it bottom three?

The passenger aims his gun out the window to shoot at you. You kick it out of his hand and a then shoot a web at his wrist. You fling the line towards a nearby streetlight and watch him get pulled out.

You then break the driver's side window and pull the driver out too, webbing him near the sidewalk. You leap off the car and shoot two web-lines at the back of the car, pulling it to a complete stop. You dust yourself off, and then look at a street clock nearby.

You: Shit! Of course these guys are going to make me late.


You swing away. Before you can arrive at Clementine's house, you needed to pick up a couple things.

• •

Clementine walks down the sidewalk with her parents and are headed to their house.

Clementine: I don't know why we're here already. I wanted to get something to eat.

Ed: We got plenty of food here, sweetie.

They let Clementine walk up the steps to the door. Diana nudges her husband.

Ed: Oh, yeah. You open the door for me, Clem. I forgot something in the car.

He hands her the keys, to Clementine's confusion. She unlocks the door and begins opening it, not knowing the Ed had stayed where he was.

She turns on the light, and sees balloons everywhere. In the living room are big letters, spelling "PROM?"

Clementine is surprised. She wonders for a moment where you are, but you come out of the hallway holding flowers and a stuffed bear. You try conceal the fact that you're breathing heavily from swinging over to the house quickly.

You: You like what I set up?

Clementine runs over to you and gives you a hug. She kisses you while you embrace her. Her parents walk in, smiling.

You: I figure that's a yes?

Clementine nods as she cups your cheek.

Clementine: Of course! Dork.

You laugh and then look at her parents by the door.

You: You should go give your folks a hug too, I wouldn't have been able to use your house without their permission...obviously.

• •

{Present Day}

Clementine sits back on her chair, still looking at you on the hospital bed. She looks down at her fingers and fiddles with them.

Your aunt walks in with AJ. She smiles at the sight of them.

Aunt: How's everything, honey?

Clementine: I wonder what he dreams about, you know? I know that brain of his never stops whirring.

AJ chuckles lightly as he sits down. Your aunt keeps standing and looks over at the bed.

Aunt: You're right. He never gave that brain of his a break. Straight A student, always did his work on time, he even helped Y/U/N with computers.

Clementine nods.

Aunt: He's an amazing kid. He's able to balance his work life and...hero life. Many people his age worry more about what to tweet out on social media.

AJ laughs.

AJ: He does that too. You know? His Spider-Man account?

You aunt chuckles as she remembers seeing posts from Spider-Man online. You might as well did everything.

Clementine looks at AJ and your aunt.

Clementine: I was going to tell Y/N about...something, after the ceremony.

They look over at her. She starts to tear up.

Clementine: I just hope I'm able to tell him.

Clementine said before that she believes you'll wake up soon, but there's still a part of her the expects the worst.

Aunt: It's okay, honey.

She goes over to comfort Clementine. She then looks back you and holds your hand. There's silence for a moment before she talks again.

Clementine: I'm pregnant.

• •


Joan looks through the pictures on her desk. Even with Spider-Man seemingly dead, she glares at the sight of another.

Kid Arachnid.

He's only recently came into the picture. She shouldn't worry, but you can never know nowadays. What if this new Spider-Man sees the original as a martyr? What if he goes after the New Frontier?

What if he becomes a threat to HYDRA?

Joan couldn't take the chance. She phones in one of her superiors.

???: Joan. I thought your situation has been dealt with.

Joan: We have some loose ends to take care off...I need the Asset again.

Spider-Man Male Reader x The Walking Dead GameWhere stories live. Discover now