You hug Carl and Sophia. You also greet Clementine, who holds a camera.

Carl: What brings you to the ceremony?

You: Oh, uh...Clem told me about it. I decided to join her.

Sophia: That's nice.

Carl: So...are you two a thing again?

That question sucked the air out of you and her.


Clementine: No...we're just...

You: ...talking.

Clementine: Hanging out...covering stories...

You: Stories...yeah. A team up.

The two of you talked over each other trying to give a response. Carl silently laughed at the awkwardness.

Sophia: Nothing wrong with being business partners.

You really want to change the subject.

You: How are the two of you? Married life going well?

Carl: It's been great. Sophia is doing a fantastic job on Broadway. She got offered a role in a show.

Clementine: That's amazing!

Sophia: I know right?

You: Hey, those plays back in high school were no fluke. I knew you had real talent.

Carl: Hey, my job at Downtown Music totally trumps hers.

Sophia nudges him and they both share a laugh.

Clementine: Hey, I saw you posted something online about foster sibling a few months ago.

Sophia: Oh yeah, my parents took in a blind boy named Henry. He's so sweet.

The four of you notice the ceremony about to start, and Carl and Sophia leave to go to their seats. You walk with Clementine through the crowd and get closer to the stage so she can take photos.

Two two of you begin to quietly converse as the deputy mayor speaks.

Clementine: So...?

You: I think this gang war may be finally over.

Clementine: Like...over-over?

You: I mean, there's some loose ends still to be tied up. But...

Clementine: Loose ends?

You: Well, there's still that truck of weapons I missed last night. Who knows what the Demons could do with that? Then there's that thing with the files...

Clementine snaps a couple more photos then turns to you.

Clementine: Well maybe after this we can get some coffee, figure it out together.


Mayor Ezekiel then gets on stage. He begins talking as well. Officer Davis is beside him near the podium.

You: But uh...instead of coffee maybe we could have dinner instead? I can come over...I'll cook.

Clementine gives you a look. You were never really a good cook.

You: Or you know meet at a totally neutral location for a completely normal meal. Cooked by professionals.

Clementine laughs.

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