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I woke up in a cold sweat.
I felt like I've been running.
I looked outside and it was snowing so hard.
Snow was blocking half of the stop sign outside.
Zeek was up kicking his feet.
I made him a bottle, then made me some tea.
I felt like I was coming down with a cold.
My nose was running and my throat hurted.
"I can't go to school like this." I said out loud to myself.
I felt weak.
I could barley pick up Zeek.
I called Ava.
"Hello ?" She said.
"Hey..ugh.. are you going to school today ?"
"No." She said bland.
"Ok, well, are you busy ?" I asked.
"What do you want ?"Ava asked with a attitude.
"Why do you have a attitude with me ?" I asked blowing my nose, "I never did anything too you."
She smacked her teeth, "You put my daddy in jail because you wanted to pop your pussy on a grown ass man !"
I rolled my eyes , "Whatever. Never mind!" I hung up.

I was laying in the bed, head banging, nose stuffed up, coughing.
Zeek was screaming and crying.
I was crying too. I didn't know what to do.
I had nobody to run too.
My phone rang.
I hurried to pick up.
"Hello?" I said.
"Hey mommy. I'm sorry about not....."
I cut him off, "Why did you just leave like that knowing I needed help ? We had a deal !" I cried.
He sighed, "I know but , something came up short noticed. I just called to say I'm sorry. I moved out of state. With my baby mama."
I stared at my phone with a stank look, hung up, and then deleted his number.
Blocked him.
I was Out here, alone. Nobody.
I just cried myself to sleep with Zeek crying beside me.

I woke up hours later.
Zeek was beside me sleep.
I knew he was hungry.
I slowly walked to the kitchen to make him a bottle.
I felt so weak.
I could feel my fever.
I sat the bottle next to him for when he woke up.
I laid across my bed, to try to go back to sleep but my phone rang.
"Ohio correctional center," number came across my screen.
I hurried to answer.
"You have a call from...., CHARLES."
I smiled hearing his voice.

My mother's boyfriend-A Urban taleWhere stories live. Discover now