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Him and Zeek bonded so well.
I wanted to cry watching them.
"Handsome man ." He said to Zeek rubbing his hair.
"Do you think you can go to jail if you put your name on his birth certificate?" I asked him.
He shrugged, "I don't know and I don't want to risk it. If your mom get out of jail and press charges I might go to jail too." He said sadly.
I sighed, "Well, I'm going to get off welfare, because they are going to keep asking for a father. If I don't give them a father's name, they will cut me off." I explained.
He nodded, "You don't need it anyways. I will take care of both of you."
I smiled.
Charles phone rang and he answered it.
I walked upstairs to Ava.
She was sitting on her bed smiling at her phone.
"You must be talking to Angel." I said laughing.
She playfully rolled her eyes, "Aye look, I'm going to stay here with my dad. It was fun living with you for a little. He needs me here to help him change his bags." She said putting her phone down.
I nodded, "Understandable."
My phone started ringing. unknown number again.
"Hundo is crazy." I said staring at my phone ring.
Ava let out a laugh, "Just pick up."
I shook my head , "No, I don't want shit to do with him or his dick."
"True. I'm mad I had sex with him now that I really think about it. I cheated on angel."
"She doesn't have to know. Your dad definitely doesn't have to know either. He will kill us." I said.
We both laughed.
Charles came limping up the stairs.
"Daddy! Why didn't you let us help you?" Ava asked jumping up off the bed.
"I'm ok sweet heart... but that was my attorney. He asked did I want to press charges on Sheila."
Ava and I looked at each other, then looked back at Charles.
"I told them no, but ..the state picked it up. She was in court today. She could be getting 3 to 5 years."
I gasped.
Ava clapped, "Good, she needs to do time."
I didn't really know how to feel, but I was numb.
"Then he told me , that she told police that I had a baby by you and your under age. So now I got to come in for questioning."
Ava's mouth dropped.
I put my face in my hands.
If it's not one thing, it's another.
"It's crazy because we were just talking about that." I said in a sad tone.

My mother's boyfriend-A Urban taleWhere stories live. Discover now