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His phone had two little boys on the screen.
They looked just like him.
I looked back in my purse and noticed my phone was gone too.
"Damn!" I yelled.
"You ok?" He asked me.
I ignored him, and looked out the window.
I was so pissed.
No money, no phone.
We pulled up to my apartment.
"Can I get yo line ?" He asked licking his lips.
"Why do you want to talk to me ? I just got beat up in the club ... I look bad and embarrassing."
He laughed, "It's ok, you can't win every fight, plus, that fight was unfair. She threw chairs and tables at you."
I was confused, "Wait, huh ? She threw things at me ?" I asked.
"Yeah, you don't remember that ?" He asked.
My mouth dropped.
I started feeling sick to my stomach, "No, I don't remember that. I blacked out."
I looked in the mirror and and opened my mouth.
I was missing a tooth, on the side of my mouth.
I gasped, "What the hell!" I screamed.
I instantly started crying.
I didn't know my tooth was missing.
That explained all the blood coming from my mouth.
"Oh hell no! I'm going to sue that bitch!"
"You look fine baby..." he touched my leg, "Look, let me call you tomorrow. I want to take you out."
I wiped the tears from my eyes, "Even though your weird and go to night clubs alone, I guess we can talk but, my phone is missing."
He took his phone and went on Facebook, "Whats your Facebook?"
I folded my arms, "I can't get on Facebook with no phone."
He smirked, "You owe me. You shut the club down. You can walk to the library and talk to me on there."
I rolled my eyes playfully, "Ok. It's Storm make it rain Williams."
"Ok, I added you. Hit me up tomorrow ok."
I got out his car, " Thanks Alex."
I limped into the building and knocked on Fanny's door.
It was 12:30 am.
She came to the door in a house robe and house shoes.
"Oh baby! What happened !" She looked so worried.
She grabbed my face, "Did you get in a car accident ?"
I shook my head.
She put her hand on my bruised face, "Come in baby ! Come get warm."

My mother's boyfriend-A Urban taleWhere stories live. Discover now