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Ava gave me a hug once she came down to me.
"Sorry I rushed off like that. I was just so over it." She said looking down at Zeek.
I nodded, "It's is he ?" I asked nervously.
"He's ok. He just went into surgery soon as I came down here to you. He is talking and responding though."
I nodded, "Good. Thank god!" I said holding my head.
My headache was hurting so bad.
"I'm sorry! This is my fault." I said forming tears in my eyes.
Ava shook her head, "'s not." Ava hugged me again, "Everything will be ok." She comforted me.
We sat in the waiting room.
She took Zeek out the car seat and held him.
"A lot has been going on. I told myself I wouldn't come back to this place for a while..and here I am, back in here." I said leaning in my seat.
Ava took a deep breath.
"Where is my momma?" I added.
"Where do you think she's at ?" Ava asked with a attitude.
Before I could respond, Ava phone started ringing.
It was her mom on FaceTime.
She picked up.

Her mom was nothing like I thought she would look.
She was real heavy set, a lot of acne on her face.
She looked like she could be on that show 600 pound life.
Charles like women that look like that ? I thought.
"Yeah hey momma. I'm just sitting here with Shelia's daughter Storm. We up here at the hospital." Ava told her mom.
"Ok, how is he doing ?" Her mom asked her.
"He seems to be doing ok. He's in surgery now."
Her mom nodded.
"Do Storm have your little brother?" She asked in a joke form.
"Yeah , he is here." Ava said putting the camera on Zeek.
"Wow, he looks just like Harry." Her mom said shaking her head.
"Yeah, he do." Ava agreed.
Whoever Harry is. I thought.
It felt weird that Ava actually told her mom about her dad and I.
"Storm, this is my mom, Kim." Ava said proudly putting the camera on me.
I waved.
"How are you sweetie?" She said.
Her mom seemed nice but sneaky at the same time.
I could tell she felt some way about me having a baby by her ex.

My mother's boyfriend-A Urban taleWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt