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"Go away!" She screamed and walked around me to leave out the bathroom.
"Ava, why is your eye like that ?" I asked grabbing her shoulder.
She snatched away from me.
"Don't worry about it! Go to class!" She mumbled and hurried out.
I ran behind her, "You are so full of shit Ava! I guess your going to say you didn't tell the whole school I got a child by your dad ?"
Ava stopped walking and turn towards me, "I actually didn't tell the whole school shit! A junior told me that Maya talked to somebody from jail that's goes here and she told them you had a baby by your mom's boyfriend."
I gave her a stank look, "It's not my fault they think that your a thot." Ava snapped then walked off.
I shook my head and walked off to class.

I stopped at Charles house once I got out of school.
I really wanted to see my son.
Ava was changing Charles bag when I walked in.
"Hey y'all." I said trying to be calm.
I couldn't let so much get to me. Since my blood pressure been up.
"Hey baby girl. Zeek's upstairs." Charles said.
When he called me baby girl, it made my pussy throb.
Ava looked depressed. She didn't have them
glasses , but she had a bunch of makeup on.
"I'm going out with Angel." Ava said washing her hands, "I'll be back before 9pm." She said leaving out.
I sat next to Charles on the couch with Zeek in my arms.
"Ava has been hanging with that girl a lot lately. I can't believe she found a friend so quickly."Charles said.
I nodded, "Yeah, a friend." I said sarcastically.
"Ava also told me what happened at school today. You know, about the school knowing."
I nodded, "Yeah. But I can't let it get to me. The doctor told me my blood pressure is high. I'm trying to keep it down. I need to start working out."
Zeek was sleep in my arms, I placed him in the bouncer that was next to the couch.
"Yeah, your to young for high blood pressure. Zeek caused you some problems huh." Charles said.
"I'll do homework over here with you." I said changing the subject,walking to get my book bag by the door.
"I'll love to help you." Charles said biting his lips.

My mother's boyfriend-A Urban taleTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang