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I laugh at house party so hard everytime I see it as if I never saw it before.
Charles was laughing too.
"This movie is before your time girl , I'm surprised it's your favorite." He said wiping taco crumbs from his mouth.
I stared at his lips and bit mine.
I'm Sorry, but he was so damn sexy.
He always walked around the house with no shirt on like he was teasing me in a way.
He cleaned up our plates and sat down right next to me and continued to watch the movie with me.
I couldn't stop moving because he was making me so damn nervous.
He smelled so good like fresh Cologne.
He placed his arm behind my head.
I looked up at his glossy eyes and took some deep breaths.
I was getting so horny.
I really never got horny before other then when watching porn.
It was so weird.
He's like 20 years older then me .
He looked down at me and I turned away .
"What's wrong ?" He asked in a soft voice.
"I'm..nothing." I said nervously.
It was a Awkward silence then his cell phone rang.
He got up from beside me and walked off.
My heart was pounding .
I looked at his sweat pants he was wearing , and I could see his print.
His was a big ass print .
Was he on hard ? Did I get him on hard ?

I ran up stairs to the bathroom to shower. I felt so embarrassed.
Why am I getting aroused because of my mother's boyfriend?
I got out & wrap a towel around me, then started flat ironing my weave .
The bathroom door swung open and it scared me.My towel dropped.
"Your mom said she won't be back until....." Charles said then stopped.
He looked at me up and down.
"Oh !!!" I dropped my flat irons and picked my towel up as fast as I could then wrapped it back around me .

My mother's boyfriend-A Urban taleWhere stories live. Discover now