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I opened the door to see Ava.
I was in complete shock.
"What?" I rolled my eyes.
She walked in fidgeting.
She looked beat up so bad, bruised, throwed away.
"Storm, can we talk?" She asked.
"I'm actually doing my homework if you don't mind."
She looked me up and down, "I'm so sorry for what Angel did ! I see your missing a tooth!"
I folded my arms, "It's cool ok, I just ...."
"Thank you for not pressing charges on her! We need that club."
I shook my head, "Yeah, you are welcomed that I didn't press charges on your girlfriend who almost killed me." I said sarcastically.
"Thank me for not suing that club that is getting Angel money." I laughed.
Ava sighed, "Look, can I sit down?" She stared at me with glossy eyes.
"Fine. You have 10 minutes."
We sat on my couch, "Where is Zeek?" She asked.
"9 minutes left." I said with a attitude.
"Ok, look..I have some creams to put on your bruises but I see you are healing well. I just really feel bad about your tooth."
"8 minutes." I said sighing.
"Angel's dad rapes me..Angel beats me. She say if I stop dancing, or leave, she will kill you and Zeek, maybe even me."
I sat up and stared in her eyes, "What?"
"She beats on me everyday Storm. If I say something wrong..if I talk back, if I dress a certain way outside, if I....leave." She said almost crying.
"How long this been happening ? So she know your here ?" I was so concerned.
"I snuck out. More then likely If I go back, my teeth will be gone too. She forced me to get you to work with me so she can have an extra income. I'm glad you didn't agree but when you disagreed, I got my ass whooped by her and her dad. That's why I was so mad when we left Applebee's."
I hugged her as tight as I could, "Why didn't you come to me sooner ?"
"I love her Storm . I don't want to loose her." She broke down.
She smelled like a junky, "If she loved you Ava, she wouldn't let her dad rape you and she wouldn't beat on you."
She looked at me with tears,then grabbed my hand and put it on her stomach, "Storm, I'm pregnant by her dad."
My mouth dropped.

My mother's boyfriend-A Urban taleWhere stories live. Discover now