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Ava got dropped off at my house in a red convertible.
It looked like some girl was driving.
I let her in, "What's going on ? I couldn't get my dad or Sheila." She panicked.
"Sit down." I told her with a big sigh.
"What's happening ?" She yelled with anger, then sitting on my couch.
Zeek was crying, so I hurried to the kitchen to make a bottle.
"Ummm..when you left , my mom and I got into it outside by my car." I explained putting Enfamil scoops into his bottle.
"She pulled a gun out on me. Your dad was trying to stop her."
Ava jumped up off the couch, "She shot my dad ???" She asked nervously.
I turned towards her shaking the bottle, "I don't know Ava..I didn't look back to see." I explained, then running to my room to give Zeek's his bottle.
When I came back to talk to her, she was gone.
"The fuck ?" I said to myself, looking around my house.
What was the point of me telling her to come over if she was going to leave anyways.
I looked out the window to see her jumping back into the car with that girl.
I tried to call her, no answer.
I texted her. "Where did you go?"
She read it, no respond.
I was so exhausted.
So much has been going on.
I needed to rest.
I fell to sleep right next to Zeek.

I woke up 3 hours later.
Zeek was up just looking and kicking his feet.
I looked at my phone to see several missed calls.
All Ava.
I hurried and called her back.
"Hello?" I said.
"Storm...come to Hardy hospital. My dad is up here! He was shot in his stomach!" Ava said sadly.
I jumped up off my bed and put my Air Force ones back on, "I'm on my way now!" I told her then hung up.
I grabbed Zeek, his diaper bag, and hurried to my car.

"No kids are aloud on that floor." The lady at the front desk told me looking at Zeek.
I rolled my eyes and called Ava.
"I'm down here but I can't bring Zeek up." I panicked.
"I'll be down there." She told me then hanging up.

My mother's boyfriend-A Urban taleМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя