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I laid down on the table as the doctor got the tools ready to give me my ultrasound.
I was so nervous.
I closed my eyes and thought about how it was going to all be over soon.
"Lift your shirt up." The doctor told me.
She put some cold gel on my stomach then rubbed it around with this little stick.
My baby popped up on the screen infront of me.
It had a heart beat that was nice and strong.
I low key was amazed.
I couldn't believe a living person was in me.
I started to get teary eyed.
"That's your baby..I want to say your about 12 weeks." The doctor told me smiling.
"So..3 months ?" I asked wiping my tears away.
"Yup...did you decide what you were going to do ?"
I sighed and stared at the screen of the moving baby.
I automatically fell inlove with it and I didn't even know the little thing.
My cash app went off.
Charles sent me 500 dollars to my cash app on my phone.
I put the phone back in my pocket and looked up at the doctor , "I guess, I'm going to keep it." I said in a happy cracked voice , "I'm going to keep my child ...and I'm going to still finish school and become something."
The doctor smiled , "I like to hear that."
I cried harder, "I can do this !"
The doctor handed me a tissue, "I did it ..I was 16 and look at me ..."
I smiled at her and nodded my head , "I want to be a doctor too."
I couldn't believe what I was doing but it was my body and nobody could stop me .
My mom was just going to have to hate me.
To be honest , she never has to know.

My mother's boyfriend-A Urban taleWhere stories live. Discover now