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I ended up ordering Zulia and I some pancakes from Denny's on DoorDash.
We sat on my couch smoking weed until it came.
"Wow,the men in your life is fine as hell." Zulia said passing me the blunt.
I looked at her and smirked,then my face frowned up, "Zulia.", why don't we ever talk about Lilly?" I changed the subject.
Zulia rolled her eyes, "Girl, where is your son?" She asked, changing the subject again.
"With Charles, they will be here shortly." I said sadly.
It was a awkward silence.
I past the blunt back to her then went in my room and sat on the bed, "How long are you here for ?" I asked clearing my throat and breaking the silence.
"For two days. I know you have to go back to school." She said.
Our food came, and she ate her food in the living room while I sat in my room. She was acting weird and distant.

I hesitated to open that email up.
For some reason I was scared of the results, even though I already kind of knew the answers.
I opened it.
I read through it.
" negative, negative, negative." I said in my head as I went down the list.
"Aye, have Hundo sold you any weed lately?" She walked in my room and asked as I finished reading the results.
Everything came back negative.
I was fine.
I took a deep breath in and out.
I was so relieved.
"Ughh?" I hesitated.
My phone rang.
Saved by the bell.
"Hello ?" I said.
It was Charles, "I'm on my way to bring Zeek. I got the money I needed too." He said sounding confident.
"Ok? So what now?" I asked him.
"You did see Hundo didn't you ?" Zulia looked me in my eyes with anger and folded her arms.
I ignored her.
"I got me a new car and I'm driving Ava back home to Chicago today. I got money for you and Zeek too."
Zulia smacked the table, "Where is he !?" She yelled.
I took the phone off my ear, "Girl, I'm on the phone!" I yelled with a attitude.
"I don't care Storm! I been asking you this question for a while now and you never responded. I know you. Everytime you are guilty about something , you avoid things." She snapped, "You basically told on yourself ." She said popping her neck.
"Hello? Who is that ?" Charles asked.
I hung up on him, "Yes! I talked to him Zulia."
I told her throwing my phone on the table, "What else ?" I asked.

My mother's boyfriend-A Urban taleWhere stories live. Discover now