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I quickly dialed 911 and placed my phone back into my pocket.
"It's more then 20,000 in here, it's more like 50." Landen said, "I think this money is enough to negotiate."
Alex looked at Angel.
Sam took a deep breath, "Look! I don't got all day!give us the 25,000 now and we will untie them, but we are locking them doors if you don't give us the other half."
"But why tie them up in this..cold, wet place! What did they do so wrong!?" I asked Angel.
"We gave your weak ass baby daddy 10,000 dollars to  talk to this girl to get her comfortable to go with him to our club so we could get her to start stripping. We been driving him to the art gallery she works at, even gave him money to take her out on dates. Then this nigga told her our plan after we gave him the money, and the hoe ran off. She was so sexy! You know how much money we could of made off of her? Then come to find out he is trying to take our bottom bitch from us ! And move her back to Chicago! So, we caught them leaving your apartment, knocked his ass out, tied them up in the back seat of our van, and brought them here."
The story was so disgusting I wanted to throw up.
I rolled my eyes and folded my arms, "Alex, are you doing this because I said I didnt want to be yo girlfriend?"
"Fuck you bitch!" He said pointing the gun on me.
I jumped in fear.
Landen stepped infront of me.
"Let us see them!" Landen yelled out.
"Fuck it! Bring them out!" Sam ordered Alex and Angel.
They went into the darkness, and they each rolled one of them out in a rolling chair.
They were tied up with tape on their mouth.
"Oh my god!" I yelled out trying to run to them.
Landen pulled me, "Calm down Storm!"
I was shaking so hard.
"Hand us the money!" Sam yelled pointing the gun to Charles head.
Ava started crying and kicking.
I looked in my pocket quickly and noticed 911 was still listening.
"Y'all got 5 seconds!" Angel yelled angrily.
Landen threw the bag on the wet floor, and Angel ran towards it.

My mother's boyfriend-A Urban taleWhere stories live. Discover now