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I grabbed Ava's arms and rolled up her sleeve.
"Awweee!" She called out.
"Look, your swollen! Your sore! Your bruised. Do you really want to go miles away to Florida with her ?" I asked almost crying.
Ava snatched away from me , "Let's go bae." She said to Angel.
Angel looked at me and smiled, "Ok, was fun. Nice having lunch with you ." She put her hand out to me to shake. I ignored her and looked at Ava.
Ava got up and hurried out the door.
"If you change your mind. Give us a call sexy." Angel said to me, then walked off.
The waitress walked up and asked if I need change for the 50.
I nodded, "Yeah, being me the change." I said with a sigh.
I needed gas.

I got home and saw that Hundo still wasn't back.
Usually, he would wait infront of my building until I came home.
I called him, no answer.
I took Zeek a bath then I jumped in the shower.
I got out, and Zeek was sound asleep in his crib.
I finished my homework, then started on my studying.
My phone rang, Hundo.
"Hello? Hundo ? Where are you man?" I asked.
"Aye,don't call this phone anymore. Hundo is back with his family." A female voice said. She sound Mexican.
"Who are you ?" I asked with a attitude.
"His baby momma!" She screamed, " We are a family again, bye." She hung up.
Shit ! I wanted to throw my phone across the room.
He was my only money source.
My head started hurting again.
"What am I going to do ?" I asked myself out loud.
I was so distraught, that I couldn't even study.
I just crawled in my bed and went to sleep.

I had a dream about my daddy.
He was holding my hand.
We were at a carnival.
It was a big roller coaster , and a Ferris wheel.
He was looking down at me smiling from ear to ear.
I was a kid again.
He picked me up and swirled me around.
I was giggling.
"I love you Storm. You will be ok." He said to me.
Then the ferris wheel came crashing down and everybody at the carnival started running.
My dad and I just stood there though. Still smiling and laughing. It was like nothing was happening around us.

My mother's boyfriend-A Urban taleWhere stories live. Discover now