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After school, I drove to a couple day cares to see if I could enter Zeek into the programs.
Some where filled and wasn't taking new kids.
Some didn't take government assistance.
It was harder then I thought it would be.

I went home and called Charles while I did my homework.
"I don't know what to do Charles, I'm really going to need help when you leave." I told him.
"I'll help you look. You still have time before I turn myself in." He said. Zeek was in the back ground crying.
"What's wrong with him?" I asked concerned.
"Nothing just spoiled." Charles said laughing.
My doorbell rang.
I opened it and it was Ava.
She had on some big ass sun glasses.
"Charles, I'll call you back, your daughter is here."
"Tell her to be home before 9. She's always out with that damn girl." He said then hung up.
Ava rushed in and sat on the couch.
"Your daddy said be home by 9."
Ava folded her arms, " I came over to do homework with you." She said real dry.
"Angel is not helping you today? And why do you got sun glasses  ?" I asked siting at the kitchen table to continue my homework.
She leaned back on the couch, and I saw a tear fall from under her glasses.
She then started taking her books out her book bag.
"Ava?" I called out, "Are you ok ?" I asked concerned.
She nodded and then wiped her nose, "It's just, a lot going on."
She walked over and sat next to me at the table and we quietly worked on our homework.
She was sniffling the whole time.
I felt like it had something to Angel.
"Look, I have a doctors appointment in a hour, you can crash here or I can drive you home."
Without looking at me, Ava said , "I'll go home, my dad want me home with him and that crybaby before 9 right?"
I rolled my eyes and continued my homework.

Dr.Pat checked my temperature, ears, heart, then she finally got to my blood pressure.
"180/110?? How Storm? Your so young! This is high. I need to start you on medication." The doctor told me.
"I knew it was high." I said concerned.
"My head was always hurting." I added.
"I'm going to put you on Lisinopril." Dr. Pat said writing on a note pad.
"I'm going to give you a pill right now that will bring your blood pressure down." She said leaving out the room.
I waited patiently for her to come back.
She gave me a little red pill, and a cup of water.

My mother's boyfriend-A Urban taleDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora