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Her mom put her arm around my shoulder.
The piano was playing softly and the sounds of little crys were around me.
"She looks beautiful." I said softly.
Her dad then walked up beside me, "We are glad you came. She really didn't have any friends. Greg was her only friend. Plus all our family stay in Chicago."
I nodded, "It's still a nice funeral. I know she is looking down smiling."
I hugged both of them.
I sat down next to her parents and enjoyed the word by the preacher.

When the service was over, they had a big dinner in the basement of the church.
I didn't want to stay though.
I wasn't hungry after seeing her dead body.
"She's getting cremated so, you don't have to stay Storm." Her momma. Said wiping her tears, "You can take a plate-to-go if you want."
I nodded, "Ok, I'll like that."
I stood in line to get me a plate.
They had chicken, greens, macaroni, beans, mashed potatoes, ect. It was so much stuff, I couldn't name it all.
"I'll just take some spaghetti to go." I said sadly.
"We made all this food ourself." Brittney's dad said proudly.
"It looks good." I smiled.
On my way to my car, Brittney's mom ran to my car with two obituaries in her hand, "Hey! Storm! I forgot to give you this."
It was a obituary of Greg and a obituary of Brittney.
"Thanks Franky." I gave her a hug, "Tell your husband I said goodbye. You guys are great."
"Bye sweetheart."

I drove home and sat in the car for a minute.
I was still crying.
I was staring at their obituaries. They were both gone, and they were never coming back.
"I gotta frame both of these." I said to myself.
A car pulled up quickly beside me.
It was Zulia, and Maya.
They were playing Lil Wayne loud as hell.
"Bitch, open your door so I can get the rest of my things.!" She yelled jumping out the car.

My mother's boyfriend-A Urban taleحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن