Chapter 12

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Soon as I walked into Charles recovery room, I saw his colostomy bag.
It gave me chills.
"Charles?" I called out to him.
He looked over at me.
I walked over to him and sat next to his bed.
"I'm sorry ..for everything." I said sadly.
He just stared at me.
"I'm sorry that I seduced you. I'm sorry I had Zeek after you gave me abortion money. I'm sorry for breaking you and my mother up. I'm sorry for..."
he cut me off, "'s not your fault. I'm the adult. I really could have avoided all of this. I'm sorry too." He said touching my hand.
I smiled at him , "You saved me ! You stopped my mom from shooting me. Thank you."
He nodded and took a deep breath, "I mean, I couldn't let nothing happen to the mother of my child."
I blushed.
"I can't wait to get out of here and get to know him."
He said in a raspy voice.
"I can't wait for you to meet him too." I said.
We was silent for a second.
"I'm so happy your ok." I said in relief.
"Me too." He said dryly.
I reached over to hug him and he jumped up.
"Awwwwe!" He called out.
"I'm so sorry !" I said bouncing back.
He was in a lot of pain.
The doctor came in to change in bag.
"I'll step out." I said leaving the room.
As I was walking back to the lobby where Ava and Zeek was, I started feeling something in my gut.
I missed Charles. It felt good to talk to him normally again. The feelings started rushing back.

Ava was sitting in the waiting room, holding Zeek, crying still.
I rubbed her back, "Let's go. You can come to my house." I told her.
She nodded and started crying even harder.
"I'm sorry for what I said Storm, I'm just so upset. So much has been going on." She said walking behind me.
"It's ok Ava. I already know."

When we pulled up infront of my house, Hundo was sitting infront of my apartment.
As usual, smoking a cigarette.
"Aye,what are you doing ?" I asked confused walking up to him.
"Waiting for you sexy." He smirked flicking the cigarette onto the grass.
"Why ?" I asked with a attitude.
"Can I come in ? I'll buy some liquor,we can smoke." He asked looking at Ava up and down like she was a snack.

My mother's boyfriend-A Urban taleWhere stories live. Discover now