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Before I knew it, I was getting punched around the club.
The music stopped, and people were pointing and laughing.
I couldn't see or breath.
It happened so fast.
It was going on for a long period of time.
I blacked out....

"Stop, stop !" I heard Ava's voice say.
Somebody picked me up, and rushed me outside.
The cold air woke me up.
I noticed, I didn't have my purse with me.
"My purse!" I called out.
I realized my mouth was full of blood.
I was almost choking on it.
"Is she ok !?" I heard Ava voice yell.
I looked and saw Alex was holding me.
"Put me down!" I cried.
Police were everywhere, and they closed the club down for the night.
"Do she needs a ambulance ?" One officer called out.
"No!" I yelled, "just take me to my car!" I cried.
Alex put me down and I realized how much the world was spinning.
I couldn't really see either.
"Let me help you to your car." Alex said holding me by my side.
"Storm!" I looked back to see Ava running towards me.
"No, stay way from me !" I yelled.
She was crying, "I'm so sorry!"
She was still naked, she just threw a coat on.
"I just wanted to help you !" I yelled as I opened my car door.
I could see the cold smoke leave my mouth as I yelled.
I looked over and the police was arresting Angel.
"I never want to see you again ! As long as you are dating that dike!" I screamed at her then spat out some blood.
I looked in my car mirror and noticed both my eyes were red. My mouth was swollen, my nose looked like it had a extra bone in it.
"Thank you for walking me to my car, you can go now." I told Alex closing my door on him.
He looked so concerned.
I was highly embarrassed.
The only thing I had on me , was luckily, my key.
I had it in my bra.
"Shit! My phone! My WALLET!" I yelled hitting the dash board.
I turned my key to start my car, and it didn't work.
"What the..." I yelled trying my hardest to start the car.
It didn't turn on.

My mother's boyfriend-A Urban taleWhere stories live. Discover now