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My room had roaches and mice.
I was so scared to get off my bed.
I didn't want to eat or sleep.
I called down to the front desk to tell them my room was freezing.
Zulia's mom picked up.
"Hey it anyway I can get my room to be warmer?"
She sighed, "I'm sorry girl but no...a lot of the residents complain about the cold rooms."
The place was terrible, I really wanted to go home.
"Look, Storm..I'm sorry about you and Zulia's friendship..she is just going through a hard time right now...with her pregnancy..her baby daddy..her father...she's acting out."
I rolled my eyes, "Yeah..I guess." I told her.
I got my own problems, I could give two fucks about hers.
"Yeah." I said dry.
"Yeah , we'll call back if you need anything else." She said then hung up.

Last day of school finally came.
I took my finals and ran straight to my car.
I was so happy it was over.
I could finally relax.
When I got back the shelter from school, my phone rang.
It was Greg.
"Hello?" I said.
"Hey are you ?" He asked in a low voice.
"Hey..I'm doing..ok..I guess.."
"I know school ended today..I know your happy." He said in a laugh.
"Look..Greg." I said changing the subject.
"I need 500 dollars." I said flat out.
"Wow..that's random." He said.
"I know but it's for something important."
He was silent on the phone.
"Hello ?" I said frustrated.
" I'll have to get back to you about it because that's a lot of money..I just spent that on my girl yesterday."
I rolled my eyes , "You know's cool."
I hung up.

A week went by and I finally had an ultrasound appointment.
I didn't want to look at the baby anyways, but the doctor said it was mandatory even if I am getting an abortion.
Charles texted me saying he had the money and I could meet him.
I was so stubborn, I still didn't want his money.
I rather died first.
So I ignored him.

My mother's boyfriend-A Urban taleWhere stories live. Discover now