Chapter 6

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A month went past and I HAVNT heard from my momma or Charles.
"Are you all packed ?" Miss.Harper asked me coming into my room.
I nodded, "Yeah...thank you so much for everything."
I gave her a hug.
"I'm so happy I could help."
The shelter helped me find housing.
Free rent.
It was a small apartment not to far from my mom's house.
One bedroom.
I was so happy, I cried as I put my things in the car.
"Are you going to look for a job ?" She asked me as I jumped in my car and closed the door, "Yeah, once I settle down in my new place."
I started my car.
"Thanks again I don't know where I would of been if you didn't help me get into this shelter."
Miss.Harper smiled , "My pleasure."
"Oh yeah..can you tell Zulia good luck on her baby. I hope she has a boy..when we were kids she used to always say she wanted a boy."
Miss.Harper laughed, "I'll tell her."

As I drove to my new place , I thought about the officer who put gas in my car.
I HAVNT tried to call him.
I decided it was time since I was back on my feet.
He was older, and cute.
I parked my car infront of my new apartment building and then took his Business card out of my wallet.
I called.
"Hello ?" He said in a deep sexy voice.
It sound like he just woke up.
"Hello ? Hi ..this is Storm."
He laughed , "The girl who ran out of gas ?"
I rolled my eyes playfully , "Yeah , that's me."
"How are you ?" He asked.
"I'm doing...better."
"I thought you would never's been a little over a month now."
I sighed, "Yeah, I was going through something but, I'm better now."
"That's good ..well..I would like to see you sometime. Is that ok ?"
I smiled and bit my lip, "Sure, that would be nice ."
"When ?" He asked with excitement in his voice.
"Well, I'm moving into my new place, I would like some help moving things in." I told him.
"Really ? Sent me the address."

My mother's boyfriend-A Urban taleNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ