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"AVA ! Get out the car!"
Charles swung open my mother's car door and pulled her out the front seat.
"Dang daddy!" Ava yelled.
"She be bored at our house Charles ! Let her go!" My mom screamed at him.
Charles slammed her door, "I said no! This is my daughter!"
She pushed Ava back up to the front door.
"Your trippin!" I yelled out my car at him.
He looked back at me with fire in his eyes and looked away fast.

My mom walked in my house and looked around, "It's nice..nice size."
I sat on the floor, "Yeah..I got the little bit of furniture from the shelter I was staying in."
My mom walked around the house , "I'll buy you a couch."
I smiled , "Thanks momma, but you don't have too."
A knock came up on my front door.
I looked out the peep hole and it was Chuck.
He had his uniform on.
"'s..umm." I opened the door , "My BABY DADDY!" I gave Chuck a "play along" look.
My mom smiled and reached out to shake his hand.
Chuck shook her hand nervously.
"Ohhh, your a police officer?" My mom smiled.
Chuck laughed nervously.
"Yeah Chuck ! This is my mom..Sheila."
"How are you ?" Chuck asked her.
"I'm good you got my baby knocked up huh? How old are you ? 18 ?"
Chuck looked at me then cleared his throat , "Ugh, yeah ..18."
"That's great ! And your a police officer already ! Your already setting an example for my grandbaby !"
Chuck laughed then looked at me for help.
"Yeah..I'm going to have a mixed baby." I laughed.
"Doesn't matter..long as he or she is healthy." My mom walked towards the front door, "well..I have to get to work."
"Where do you work momma ?" I asked.
"I'm now manager for Gucci Outlet downtown."
I nodded and smiled , "Thats good momma..I'm happy for you."
She walked out, "See you guys later."
Chuck waited till she left to say , "Are you crazy ???"
I shrugged.
I low key was embarrassed of what I did.
That was a bad lie.

My mother's boyfriend-A Urban taleWhere stories live. Discover now