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I walked out into the lobby with Charles.
Zeek was sleep in his arms.
I texted Ava and told her what was said.
"Let's go." I said helping him up out his seat.
I walked him to the car and put Zeek in his back seat.
"We don't have to do this." Charles told me sadly, "It's to pricey, and risky. Your mom is going to be there with her story. We can't lie on stand. Either way , she could get out of jail. I'm just going to do my time Storm." Charles added.
He started his car, "Dont worry about me."
I dropped a tear, "But, Zeek and I will miss you so much!"
He wiped my tears, "It won't be long, you can send me pictures.. time will fly by."
I shook my head, "Can we please try to beat it Charles?"
Charles shook his head, "Look, it is what it is."
I watched him pull off.
I got in my car and once again, cried on my steering wheel.
My head started hurting so bad.
I needed to go to the my doctor to check my blood pressure. I HAVNT had a check up since Zeek was born. I have been missing appointments because so much was going on.
I called and made me a appointment with my doctor.

I went home, and did my homework.
It was so fucked up that they gave us homework on the first day of school.
I couldn't concentrate.
My door bell rang, and I walked over to see who it was through the peep hole.
It was Ava.
I opened the door and she was crying.
"What wrong ? How you get here ?" I asked.
"Angel dropped me daddy is turning himself in soon."
I sat down on my couch and started crying right along with her.
"Why couldn't you stop him from doing this ? Why couldn't you talk him into taking this to trial?!" Ava snapped.
"I did Ava ! He didn't want to listen to me ! He made his mind up!" I said with anger.
Ava sat next to me , "Well, your momma will be getting out soon. And I'm sure she will not watch Zeek while your in school."
I sighed, "Well, it looks like I need to be looking into day care for him...besides, my momma talking about moving down south when she gets out."
Ava rolled her eyes, then leaned her head on my shoulder.

My mother's boyfriend-A Urban taleWhere stories live. Discover now