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I smiled as Alex pulled up in his Escalade.
He was blasting some old ass 3-6 mafia.
I limped over to his car and got in.
"Damn, you still limping ?" He asked me turning the music down.
"I mean, it just happened yesterday boy." I giggled.
"I know, I'm just playing. I'm happy you hit me up though, because that mean you feeling a nigga."
He leaned in closer to me.
"I don't know how I'm going to keep up with you. I don't have a phone anymore." I said softly.
He reached in his glove department and pulled out a basic android phone.
"Here..use this until you get a new phone. It's my trap phone."
I grabbed the phone from him and examined it, "I can't expect this. Your not my man and I don't like hand outs." I explained handing it back to him, "Muthafukas been offering me shit lately..I don't like that shit."
He didn't take it out my hand, "Look, look at it as a blessing that muthafukas, as u say, want to help you. Plus, maybe I'll be your man one day .. you never know."
I blushed.
"It has a month and a half worth of minutes." He said as I put the phone in my pocket.
"I hope you don't have hoes calling it." I said playfully.
"Nah, don't nobody call that phone but a bunch of hypes. Plus, they don't call that phone anymore. I got a new line for them now."
I sighed and smiled, "Thanks."
He bit his lips and rubbed my chin, "Now, all I gotta do is make you my girl now."
I rolled my eyes, "You don't even know me." I playfully said flipping my curly hair behind my ear.
"I'm going to get to know you though." He said pulling some weed out his arm rest and then bussing open a pack of backwoods.
I smiled and licked my lips, "Well, get me high and I'll think about it."
He laughed, "I see that you already something else."
I turned the music up and started Dancing in my seat. LIL Durk was playing.
"I see you like my type of music too. We gone last shordy."
I smacked my teeth, "You don't know me yet. Get to know me first thirty ass." I said laughing.
He leaned in closer to me, "You need to get that tooth fixed first..I can't have you out here snaggletooth." He laughed.
I didn't find that funny.

My mother's boyfriend-A Urban taleWhere stories live. Discover now